Leaves of life

We were a motley group of 20 adults of different nationalities at the spectacular beach property of a popular couple during a long weekend. We ate breakfast, lunch, merienda, and dinner with each other for three languorous days. We noticed each other’s good and bad eating habits, and jokingly rated each other’s whopping appetites for certain foods. Hands down, dessert won the contest. It seemed everyone had a sweet tooth. Cakes, tarts, ice cream, chocolates, and everything decadent got wiped out, yet everyone was health-conscious.

During meals, the conversation would veer towards exercise, vitamins, and good health practices. I will never forget Sharon and Fritz, who took a yucky-looking green drink every morning as part of their pre-breakfast ritual. They stirred everyone’s curiosity as to what was in their drink. They offered to make it for anyone and everyone who wanted to try it, but sorry, no takers.

Sharon’s drink is actually a very healthy drink. It is a mixture of lettuce, cucumber, tomato, celery, and a teaspoon of blue-green algae called AFA powder, which she tosses in a blender with some buko juice to make it tasty. The blue-green algae are supposed to contain nutrients unlike any other grain, herb or plant.

Among its valuable components are gamma linoleic acid, vitamin B12 (needed especially by vegetarians for healthy red blood cells), iron, a high level of protein (60 to 70 percent), essential amino acids, the nucleic acids RNA and DNA, and chlorophyll. It is a naturally digestible food that aids in protecting the immune system, cholesterol reduction, and mineral absorption. Because it supplies nutrients to help cleanse and heal while also curbing the appetite, it is beneficial for people who are fasting. A person with hypoglycemia may benefit from using this food supplement between meals because its high-protein content helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

Sharon’s health drink inspired me to look for a similar "green" food supplement that suited my lifestyle. Since I am constantly on the go, I thought I should look for a green drink that did not need a blender or a juicer, like a pill that I could just pop in my mouth or a powder sachet that I could mix in a glass of water.

It was my lucky day when Bert Garcia, CEO of Whealth Corporation, sent me an invitation to the launch of a new drink, ABW, which stands for alfalfa, barley, and wheat grass. Since I could not attend the launch, I asked Garcia to educate me about his new product, which is now being sold at Mercury Drugstore.

Alfalfa is a natural source of vitamins A, D, E, and K, and the minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium plus chlorophyll, carotene, protein, and eight essential amino acids. It treats a variety of digestive problems including ulcers and kidney stones. It relieves fluid retention, arthritic pain, swelling, and disorders of the urinary tract. Alfalfa is an excellent source of nutrients for convalescing people.

Barley contains enzymes and eight amino acids that are vital for proper cell function and regeneration. It is an abundant source of chlorophyll, which aids tissue growth and stimulates red blood cells, as well as C, E, and B-group vitamins plus essential minerals for the healthy body. The fiber content of barley is reported to help reduce cholesterol levels.

Wheat grass is a wonderful cleanser and rejuvenator, helping our body to eliminate toxins that have built up over the years and replace dead cells with new cells. Wheat grass prevents bacterial infections, helps prevent tooth decay, and flushes carcinogens from the body. It improves the body’s ability to heal wounds, increases hemoglobin production, improves blood sugar disorders, keeps hair from graying, improves and reduces high blood pressure.

The product claims to be a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, one of the main causes of premature aging and other diseases.

ABW helps detoxify and restore the acid/alkaline balance of our body, prevents bad breath and body odor, ensures deep and sound sleep to help recharge and rejuvenate, promotes natural energy and vitality. It is the next generation "nutriceutical," which is defined by Dr. Stephen DeFelice as a food that provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and/or treatment of disease.

ABW is great for people on a weight-loss diet, or those who lead a busy lifestyle and have a nutritionally inadequate diet. It has seven times more vitamin C than oranges, five times more iron than spinach, and has 25 percent more protein than meat, fish, eggs, beans, and dairy products.

Garcia says, "This is the first time anyone has blended these three cereal grasses into a caplet, resulting in a three-in-one product that is 100-percent natural. After just a week or two of taking ABW, you can expect a feeling of renewed well-being and a greater sense of energy going through your daily routine without getting tired and having enough energy left at the end of the day, enjoying sound sleep, and waking up totally refreshed. ABW is a new-generation supplement and will be the reason why your other supplements will work even better."

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