These cats need homes

We got a call recently from Albie Sia of the group called Compassion and Responsibility for Animals (CARA) Philippines, which has four cats available for adoption. The cats are currently housed at the home of the CARA president at 33 Narra Avenue, South Forbes, Makati City. The kittens are between five and six months.

Albie told us about just how bust CARA has been in its efforts to save as many street cats as it can. He also told us that the cats were rescued and have been rehabilitated.

For more information look for adoption coordinator Lorna Soliman at  928-8338 or 810-1459. You can also log on to; e-mail CARA at
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PARC, the animal shelter of the Philippine Animal Welfare Society is asking for old newspapers. Jojo of the shelter has informed us that they need the newspapers to help keep the shelter clean.

There are also a lot of dogs and cats available for adoption by PARC. Interested parties can get in touch with PARC at 475-1688.
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I took a walk over the weekend at The Fort because I was told that the place is beginning to look like a giant toilet. I must agree with our informant. It is sad that these pet owners are the ones who give responsible dog owners a bad name. It’s really not that hard to be responsible about your beloved canine – just pick up after him or her. Yup, we know that there are some among us who think that dog poop is good fertilizer – but that would be true if we lived on a farm.

I remember being told once that the reason dogs are no longer allowed into village parks is because humans don’t pick up after them.

Let’s get our acts together and start picking up after our pooches – this way every one wins.

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