Guardians of the Galaxy (2014): GREEN LANTERN CORP

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014): GREEN LANTERN CORP

Heroes: John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Hal Jordan

Villains: Sinestro, Parallax

Supporting: Kyle Rayner, Kilowog, Laira, Katma Tui, Tomar-Tu, Isamot Kol, Guardians


Space time! Admittedly, the military-style structure of the Green Lantern Corps is a little antithetical to the ragtag team that is the Guardians. But it would achieve what Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy no doubt intends to set up, and that is to expand the universe even more (not to mention, lay out more foundation for the Avengers sequel).

While Hal Jordan has his hands full dealing with the Sinestro Corps and his deteriorating relationship with Carol Ferris, John Stewart has to deal with newest recruit and hot-headed Guy Gardner, who has been assigned as a back up Green Lantern to Earth’s sector. Just as Gardner begins to understand the workings of being a Green Lantern, a villain called Parallax as the galaxy has never seen before emerges. The Green Lanterns will have to call in all their might to defeat the fearsome entity, but will also have to face the parasite’s host—Hal Jordan.

It may be a bit naive to believe a studio would put out a movie with no clear male lead, but maybe an odd-couple partnership with John Stewart and Guy Gardner will float the boat. Cheeky Men In Black humor may also help, though comics fans might not be happiest with that kind of treatment (but since when have the movies done everything comic book fans want, anyway?).

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