Camille Prats addresses ‘shocking’ weight loss 

Camille Prats in an undated photo for her GMA TV show 'Mars;' the actress recent photo showing results of her fitness journey.
Camille Prats via Instagram

MANILA, Philippines — “You look so fake, why are you so thin now?”

Such was among the nasty comments Camille Prats got on her Instagram account after posting workout pictures.

The actress shared in a recent virtual press conference that many people were “shocked” with her weight loss.

“Some of them even thought that it’s an overnight thing na parang it just happened to me in a snap na I just posted something and they just don’t know how I became so thin… So that’s why when I post, every time I share my workout routine and other things, I would share talaga na, ‘You know, this is the real me in progress’.”

While she did not divulge how much pounds she shed off, she shared that her weight loss journey began June last year and she was not serious about it at first.

“When I started to feel stronger, parang mas na-eenjoy ko na s’ya. And the habit-forming is also not easy. There were a lot of times when I’d struggle with myself and I didn’t want to do it. I was lazy to do it. But then, it came to a point that I just show up. I keep doing it whether I like it or not. I finish it and I got it!”

Apart from her husband, she gets fitness motivation from food supplements that give her sustained energy to finish every workout. As people navigate the new normal, vitamins and supplements label Puritan’s Pride is promoting its “Health Is Every Day” campaign with Camille as official ambassador.

Camille, who values good health by prioritizing her fitness routine, shares Puritan’s Pride vision, as she inspires others to achieve a better and healthier lifestyle. 

She realized that in her fitness journey, if one is easily swayed by negative comments, then you might not be committed enough to achieve one’s fitness goals.

“Commit yourself. Don’t worry about what other people say. If they don’t support you, then maybe they’re not the ones you should be talking to with the change that you wanted to do in your life. Surround yourself with people who will support you about this change in your life,” she advised.

“So right now, I’m getting a lot of comments from a lot of different people. What’s important is what do you want from yourself? It would make you happy. I also hear about other women getting inspired by my fitness journey… I’m really grateful for that. I think it’s also one of the greatest things that happened to me… It inspires me to continue what I’ve started.”

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