Muscle recovery tips after a punishing workout

Those who regularly work out know the fulfillment a great workout brings. Sometimes the coach pushes us to our limits, but at times we push them to allow us to do more.

As we exercise regularly, our body adapts and enables us to lift heavier and with increased intensity. When we increase the load or shift to a new exercise routine, we usually wake up sore the next day.

This is called delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS. Painful as it may, fitness buffs carry it with pride as a consequence of having conquered or crushed a tough workout.

“DOMS is muscle soreness that becomes evident six-to-eight hours following activity, peaking around 24 to 48 hours post-training,” says Jon Mike, CSCS, NSCA-CPT and PhD candidate in Exercise Science at the University of New Mexico. While the symptoms will often start to diminish at about 72 hours, “the precise time course and extent of DOMS is highly variable,” Mike says.

I say listen to your body if you wake up the following day or two days after with body aches and heavy legs. Our body is nudging us for a break. We need to recover, rebuild and energize our muscles. 

Here are 10 ways to help you recover fast:

• Drink a lot of water. Drinking water replaces water that we lose while working out. It helps rid our body of toxins and prevent dehydration that can worsen pain in our muscles. Drink at least two liters of water. Take more on exercise days!

Sleep for seven to eight hours per night. Enough quality sleep hastens muscle recovery. I know a lot of people who believe they can get away with only four to five hours of sleep, but it doesn’t give our bodies enough time to recover.

Taking protein shake as a pre- or post- workout treat can help lessen muscle soreness and aid in recovery. Whey protein, probably the most popular sports supplement, promotes muscle growth, repair and faster metabolism. It may also ease muscle soreness after exercise.

Topical balms and ointments can be effective to soothe muscle pain. Aside from padlocks and towels, pack a tube of muscle rub gels or creams in your gym bags. The menthol and methyl salicylate can work magic on those aches and pains.

Get an ice pack and apply on sore muscles for 15 to 20 minutes for faster recovery. My coach always reminds me that ice packs can be used for the next two days. If there is still soreness on the third day, heat helps in stretching and moving muscles better.

Do a proper stretch. Stretching, which can be done on rest days, can prevent injuries and help in muscle recovery. Other light exercises that involve full-body stretches like squats, planks and lunges.

Roll out the foam rollers to break the sore spots and knots in your muscles. Experts say that foam rolling breaks up the knotting in your fascia, which often causes soreness of muscles and joints. 

Have a massage. It is certainly a recovery favorite. Massage helps break up scar tissue and ease muscle pain. We are very lucky that massages are relatively affordable here in the Philippines.

Eat high-protein meals. A high protein breakfast or a protein shake can curb food cravings throughout the day. A protein meal before bedtime helps in post-exercise muscle recovery. Good sources are lean meats, eggs, yogurt and oatmeal.

Drink chocolate milk. This tip is yummy though I have not tried it personally. Research revealed that chocolate milk is an effective recovery break between two exhausting exercise sets. And so drinking chocolate milk after a workout is a great way to speed up muscle recovery. You can make your own by combining milk, raw cocoa powder and stevia.

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