Caring for the environment spills over into health

It is election season. There is the dilemma of choice. In my several decades of development work, these are the qualities I have found which make a difference — vision,  will, and a non-negotiable stand on principle.

• Vision. This is the ability to see what can be — and an intuitive feel on how to get there. This is not technical or mathematical. It is intuitive.

One can see into the horizon.  Tangent to this is a sense of an out-of-the box way to get there. For me, this is vital. The “box” limits options. The courage and guts to go out of the box is not only exciting, it is inspiring. It feels dynamic — and for me, that’s a key element in leadership. Exploring new territory, having the guts to try what can be.

• Will. Ahhhh, for me, this is key. I have hired people with academic qualities that hit the roof, but nothing to me is more vital than will — the ability to make things happen. My experience is it is an energy that comes from the heart and the gut. I have people in my organization who possess this quality — and they are jewels that are treasured. It is this quality that makes a difference. As the saying goes: No guts, no glory. I have traveled throughout the Philippines — and the local leaders who have will are the ones that make a difference.

While a cautiousness is understandable, it is the fearlessness that makes the difference. It is this fearlessness that breaks new ground, fearlessness that will bring on the brighter future.

• Non-negotiable stand on principle. Principle is different from religion or man-made laws. In the sphere of governance, the predominant principle should always be the common good. Whatever policy, whatever direction, whatever decision is made must have a non-negotiable commitment to the common good. This can be tricky because the mind can complicate, but if one goes deep in one’s heart — in a space of silence — one will know what is the best decision to make. Quality of life for our people. This must be non-negotiable.

In  this light, I am buoyed by the increasing direction to addresss climate change. This will absolutely necessitate a commitment to nurture and care for the environment. My work for the environment has shown me time and again that care for the environment is not merely physical. It spills over into health, peace, and order — and most importantly into our spirituality.

Yes. The environment has a direct bearing on our ability to feel the Divine — and even feel our innate goodness. Just reflect on how you feel in a forest, or on top of a mountain, or on a beach facing the sunset — or on a raft staring at  the splendour of the sky revealed because there is no pollution. It is magic that fills the soul.

The above are evolving qualities. Like pieces of sculpture — they are chiseled and refined with each situation, each crisis. What is important is the commitment to chisel.

• Spirituality. There is a Divine Consciousness that  exists  in the Universe. In each and everyone of us. When I travel and go to the islands, I can feel the angels that  truly care for our country.  A connection to the Divine is what can make leadership transformational. Again, this must go far beyond doing externals. It has to be deep. It is this depth that will bring on guidance — and it is this guidance that will bring on transformation — and seeming miracles.

Vision, will, a non-negotiable stand  on principle — and a deep and abiding spirituality. These are qualities that are important in personal life. These are qualities that nurture and ensure a joyful evolution of consciousness.

In the sphere of governance, these qualities are critical if our country is to see the light of day.

The year is ending — and a new era is about to begin. Let us choose wisely. More important, let us live wisely. Yes, we need good leaders — but at the end of the day, it is the quality of the people who compose the country that brings on  greatness. Instead of only looking out, we can look within ourselves and, as the year ends, make a comittment to live better . The choices that come from this comittment will more often than not be good choices.

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