5 unanswered why’s of the Gen Y

Can Gen Y-ers ever find answers to their puzzling questions? James Arboghast [PRO +]/Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0

MANILA, Philippines – Is the Generation Y or millennial generation really that confused about almost everything?

While a lot of studies have already found that this generation, composed of individuals born from late 1980s to mid-2000s, can be more financially literate, smarter spenders and more assertive than the preceding generations, millennials still have questions lingering in their minds that leave them perplexed.

We’ve picked some of the common ones that pertain to career, culture and life in general. See if you can relate.

1. Why are my peers thriving and I’m not?

Millennials often sulk in self-pity when they see nice updates of their friends on social media channels like Facebook. Dr. Ben Michaelis, a clinical psychologist, explained on a Huffington Post interview that there are a lot of studies coming out about how your friends’ Facebook profiles make you feel unhappy or ultimately depressed.

The feeling of envy creeps in when almost everyone in your feed is traveling, making money or seems to have all the time to hang out. You then look at yourself, feel that you’re stuck, and try to find out what it is that you could be doing wrong.

2. Why am I still not sure of my true calling?

You’re almost past 20-something and you haven’t found your passion yet. You thought you knew what you wanted to be after you graduated from college. You’ve tried more than a couple of jobs already but you’re still unsure of what your heart is aching to do for the rest of your life.

You are now panicking, especially as you learn about certain individuals who are in the limelight already. Some are even “living their dream” already even before reaching your age.

3. Why do people stereotype my generation?

Zakeena/SketchPort CC BY 4.0

They say millennials have the entitlement sentiment. They also see you don’t have focus, are slaves of technology and lazy, among others. You are also often looked down at work. Why do people stereotype Gen Y-ers? What’s their problem?

Well, don’t you just like the idea that maybe it’s because you and your peers are painfully interesting?

4. Why can’t I find a job that suits my lifestyle?

rocketace/Flickr CC BY 2.0

Do you love to travel? Hate companies that enforce strict policies on vacation and sick leaves? Are you admittedly not a morning person? Then it’s impossible you’ll make it to your 8-5 job. You just can’t.

5. Why am I not as happy as I think I should?

Dr. Michaelis said that people have the notion that happiness is determined by expectations. That can mean you’re unhappy because your employer is not true to its work-life balance or career growth promise. You don’t actually know for sure, but you know that you’ve had quite a share of disappointments in your life as a Gen Y-er.

Truly, the Gen Y has had struggles that are making them ask a lot of questions. The final question now would be: why can’t all these be answered by one single life-changing opportunity—one that gives stability and freedom?

Watch the full video of Generation Amway


Amway Philippines successfully stages the Nutrilite Health Run in Manila, CDO and Davao

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