Garlic helps reduce cholesterol levels

MANILA, Philippines - Ever wondered why many of our loved ones die of heart attack?

Studies show that many Filipinos suffer from high cholesterol and are beset with heart problems  (of the medical kind).

The Food and Nutrition Research Institute reveals that 48% of Filipinos, 50 years old and above, have confirmed high cholesterol. Their findings also show that 31.4% of Filipino adults, 20 years old and above, have borderline high cholesterol levels. A Department of Health study lists heart attack, stroke, and cancer as the three main killers. It also says that 14 million Filipinos are hypertensive.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Society of Hypertension says that 30% of deaths are caused by hypertension.

Scary numbers, don’t you think?

Good thing we now have aged garlic extract to give us a fighting chance.

Aged garlic extract is a supplement high in antioxidants that regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and cleanse the blood.

The most well-researched health benefit of aged garlic extract is its ability to lower cholesterol levels. Numerous studies show that supplementation with aged garlic extract can lower “bad” LDL cholesterol levels while raising “good” HDL cholesterol, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

A 2001 study of aged garlic extract in the Journal of Nutrition shows that aged garlic has strong antioxidant properties and can actually prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, making cholesterol less of a problem for your cardiovascular system. Some scientific evidence also shows that aged garlic extract can slightly lower blood pressure, but more research is needed to determine if garlic truly has an effect on blood pressure.

Studies have also suggested the antioxidants and phytochemicals in aged garlic extract may strengthen cardiovascular functions and health, protect the liver, and prevent arterial hardening due to fatty deposits and free radicals.

The antioxidant and pro-immune properties of garlic extract may also help prevent cancer. The National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society explain that supplementation with garlic may reduce your chances of developing several cancers, most notably cancers of the stomach and colon.

GNC, the world’s largest specialty retailer and leading provider of information, products, and services in the self-care and enhancement market, is the exclusive distributor of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract in the Philippines. It has 45 stores nationwide.

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