How to live longer (Part 1)

In this updated article, I’m listing down the top 20 scientifically sound ways to possibly add more years to your life. Let’s start with number 20 on the list:

20. Be a type B personality. More relaxed and less stressed.  One sure way to get a heart attack is to have a workaholic, perfectionist, and stubborn personality, the so-called “Type A” personality. In contrast, the “Type B” personality is a more relaxed, less time-conscious, and less driven person. Type B personalities are able to adapt to problems and are therefore less stress-prone.

For example, try to reduce your targets and goals for the year. Choose your battles and lessen your enemies. Learn to unload the heavy burden and guilt churning inside you.

19. Check your vitamins and supplements.  Did you know that there are very few studies to prove that taking vitamins or supplements will make you live longer? In fact, in a Lancet report, Dr. Goran Bjelakovic of Copenhagen, Denmark warns the public that taking too much vitamins can even be harmful. Personally, I take a multivitamin occasionally, especially if I feel a bit weak or tired. If you’re thin, sickly, malnourished or pregnant, then vitamins may help you.

As for other supplements, it’s a case-to-case basis depending on your medical condition. A proven food supplement out there is Omega-3 fish oil for heart disease.

18. Pray (in addition to seeking medical care). In 2 Kings 20:6, a severely ill Hezekiah prayed to God, and he was granted a 15-year life extension. How we wish it were as simple as that! Recently, Time magazine boosted the stocks on prayers and healing in its special report. In a study of cancer patients, those who confronted their illness through positive thinking, medicines, and prayers, lived longer. However, those who gave up on medical care and just relied on prayers alone ended up dying sooner. Hence, use prayers and doctors together. As Sirach 38: 1-2 says, “Honor physicians for their services, for the Lord created them; and their gift of healing comes from the Most High.”

17. Read up on your disease. Dr. Joslin, the world-renowned diabetes expert, says, “The educated patient lives longer.” However, you should be able to separate fact from fiction.

16. Get vaccinated. Why get vaccine? Simply because vaccines save and prolong lives. Think hepatitis B vaccine. Think polio, rabies, tetanus, and pneumonia vaccines. All serious illnesses are preventable by a simple vaccine. It’s easy to say that vaccines are costly and don’t make you feel better. But once you get hit by these diseases, these could shorten your life.

In a nutshell, vaccines are the thinking man’s strategy to live longer.

15. Limit or avoid alcohol.  Here’s a favorite line from my alcoholic patients, “Doc, I read that red wine is good for my heart.” After a deep breath, I ask, “How much red wine do you drink?” “Well,” they sheepishly reply, “sometimes, I finish a bottle.”

“Drinking in moderation” is a much-abused phrase. If you want to know the real score with alcohol, here it is: liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, stomach ulcers, oral cancers, brain damage, dementia, nerve damage, depression, abusive behavior, and vehicular accidents. As a cardiologist, I have never asked a non-alcoholic drinking to start drinking for the possible health benefits.

14. Do charity work.  In a study involving 3,617 respondents and conducted by Prof. Peggy Thoits of the Vanderbilt University, those who volunteered and helped other people had higher levels of happiness, self-esteem and better physical health.

From the Golden Rule to recent business strategies incorporating charity work, helping others has always been the best stress reliever and anti-depressant. Help others and you help yourselves. If you’re depressed because of your illness, then look at your neighbor who can’t even afford to buy medicines. Helping others, especially those who are poorer and sicker than you, will make you feel more fulfilled and floating with a different high. Surely, it will improve the quality and quantity of your life. Try it.

13. Find a good doctor. A good doctor can help you live longer. If this is true, then it follows that a not-so-good doctor may shorten your life. To be safe, choose only a Board-certified doctor. Next, ask around about your doctor’s reputation and prescribing habits. Are his prescriptions effective, affordable, and tailored for your medical condition?

Find a few good doctors and stick to them for life. Having too many doctors can lead to confusion and too many conflicting medicines. Your doctor’s job is to guide you on your check-ups (laboratories, vaccines, cancer screening) and help you decide on your treatment plans.

12. Exercise moderately. Recent studies have shown that even mild exercise has health benefits. Exercise has been proven to prevent diabetes, maintain body weight and lessen arthritis. Exercise a minimum of three times a week to maintain your ideal weight and muscle tone. If you plan to enroll in a gym, get a doctor’s clearance first. Try to avoid high-impact exercises like basketball and badminton as you grow older. Swimming, brisk walking, and taichi are excellent exercises.

11. Have a lifetime partner.  Statistics show that, on average, married persons live longer. For single persons living alone, they may have no one to attend to them in cases of emergencies. Also, single persons may have less social support. On the other hand, married persons find fulfillment in their spouse and kids.

But don’t feel bad if you’re single. Sometimes, it’s better to be single than to get stuck with an abusive and womanizing husband. In addition, single individuals can compensate by having a large support group of family and friends.

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In the next article, I will share with you the top 10 ways to add years to your life.


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