Getting started on fitness with Olympian Samantha Clayton

MANILA, Philippines - Instead of trying a new diet or the latest fad exercise, or attempting to overhaul your entire lifestyle, how about committing to making small changes to maintain your hard-earned results in the long term? Learn how to set goals and create an achievable activity plan that will ensure you start your fitness journey with success on the horizon. Samantha Clayton, former Olympic sprinter and director of Fitness Education at Herbalife, gives these practical tips to get you started on the road to fitness:

1. Set your goals. When thinking about your goals, make sure that you keep them simple, specific, and achievable. Instead of saying “I want to get fit,” set goals like “I will walk outdoors for at least 15 minutes every day” or “I will take part in a 5K in three months’ time.” Think about what you can and will do to become more active.

2. Share your goal. Tell people about your goal. If you share your plans with a loved one, friend or co-worker, they can help you by holding you accountable. Making a verbal commitment can also help boost your motivation. Once you have verbally made a commitment to improve yourself, the added pressure of someone asking you about it may push you to succeed. This will help motivate you on the days you are tired or trying to find an excuse to quit.

3. Plan for success, not failure. Don’t self-sabotage. If you hate running, then putting running as one of your goals will defeat your efforts before you even begin. Although running is good for you, chances are, you’ll give up on your running goal more easily. With so many options to choose from, you’ll easily find something else that you can look forward to each week.

4. Keep a positive mental attitude. Say the words like “I can” and “I will” often. Try not to be negative about yourself; stop looking in the mirror and thinking “I need to change.” Even if your goal is to lose weight, it doesn’t mean you should look at yourself in a negative light. The fact that you realize you need to take care of yourself is a step in the right direction. Affirmations like, “I’m ready to improve,” or “I’m going to evolve into the best version of myself” will make it easier to keep your spirits up and motivation high.

5. Plan and motivate your fitness. Make time in your daily schedule to get active. If you are just getting started, aim to do at least 30 minutes of exercise three days a week. If you can’t find a full 30 minutes in your schedule, split it into mini five- or 10-minute exercises throughout the day.

6. Get started. You have to start somewhere and every second counts. To help keep you motivated, consider finding an active hobby such as doing long walks, marathons or even committing to learning something new. Once you get involved in a hobby, especially when it involves being part of a group, it’s easier to stay motivated and accountable to your long-term goals.

7. Make it a family affair. Get your family and close friends on board with your healthy, active lifestyle plan. If you all commit to eating well and getting active, it can help create strong bonds and fun times. If you feel like you want to quit, chances are, at least one family member will convince you to keep going.

8. Plan rewards for yourself. Put a rewards system in place so that you can continually motivate yourself with incentives. It could be a day trip out every few months or a new outfit. Pick a reward that gets you excited, and one that you know you can afford. Hopefully, your reward will inspire you to keep going during the tough days.




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