The bedroom is no place for worry

MANILA, Philippines - There are a number of things that could go wrong for men during intimate moments. With all the stereotypes that surround men’s libido, how often do men experience problems in the bedroom?

In reality, not being able to perform in bed is something that does happen and not as seldom as we might think. In fact, one out of five men experiences loss of or lowered sex drive. However, there are several ways to remedy this problem.

Loss of sex drive is often caused by stress, age, and health problems. Living a healthier lifestyle by drinking and smoking in moderation, eating right, and exercising can improve one’s sex appetite and prevent erectile dysfunction. Men can also opt to take aphrodisiacs to bring back the interest. Dietary supplements are also a popular choice for men.

That is the reason ATC Healthcare International Corp. searched for the best ingredients that will aid in the prevention of erectile dysfunction and put them in one convenient capsule — Robust Extreme.

Robust Extreme combines spiral algae, corn extract, medlar extract, ginseng extract, epimedium extract, cistanche salsa extract, and hawthorn berry extract. All these ingredients help in boosting men’s sexual appetite, attaining erection and the ability to repeat intimate activities. Robust Extreme also aids in male infertility and supports the production of testosterone.


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