Laughter improves relationships

Laughter is a positive energy!  It helps people to connect with others quickly, and improves  relationships.  The more you laugh, the more friends you  attract.

Dr.  Madan  Kataria, founder, International  Laughter Yoga Movement

During a visit to Barangay Bel-Air to get the raffle prize I won for donation to some farmers in Mabini, Batangas, Estrellita Villegas, barangay secretary, mentioned raising funds to complete  Barangay Bel-Air’s commitment  of  20 houses for Gawad  Kalinga in Aklan.  At a meeting with barangay chairwoman Nene Lichauco, she said that instead of raising funds through solicitation and raffles, there has to be a novel donor-fatigue-free way of doing it.  And Laughter Yoga came handily!  Interest in LYoga was aroused, as many members had heard and  read about it, but not experienced it, so I urged them to come and experience this life-changing LYoga session. 

When Lynda Geraldez and I arrived at the newly-built barangay hall, the participants were seated on the  chairs  provided for them.  I talked with Estrel about it because as earlier mentioned to her, no chairs were necessary, except for those coming in wheelchairs.   When she said the seniors might get tired and opt to sit down later, I laughingly assured her they would not — for Laughter Yoga  is like an aerobic exercise.  It provides more oxygen to the body and brain, which makes a person feel relaxed and energized. True enough, nobody made use of the chairs until the LYoga session was over — to the hearty delight of the participants.

At the start, there was this feeling of awkwardness, but when they saw and heard the video of past LYoga sessions, slowly the shyness and awkwardness dissipated.  They listened very attentively, and kept nodding their heads in approval as I dished out health trivia they had not read or heard of before. 

According to clinical research conducted in Bangalore, India, and in the United States, laughter lowers the level of stress hormones by 28%, and reduces blood pressure   by 6%.

In my Laughter Yoga sessions, emphasis is also placed on proper deep breathing for the following tremendous benefits derived from it: 1) burns calories, 2) boosts energy, 3) stretches the lungs, and 4) rejuvenates the skin. Add hearty laughter to these deep- breathing benefits, and, presto! It will make a person healthy, happy, positive! And yes, youthful!  Because laughter is nature’s best moisturizer, aside from being the best medicine!  Let’s laugh to that, hoho, hahaha!

The participants, a medley of young ones and young “once,” cheerfully and enthusiastically did the LYoga exercises, even swaying and dancing to the rhythm of hoho, hahaha!  They clapped energetically when told how the LYoga clapping can stimulate and make energy flow into the body instantly.   

Below are some of the participants’ encouraging comments:

Bernice Deanne:  A roaring greet time! Laughter is, indeed, the best medicine! Thanks for teaching us the value of happiness!         

Cat Turingan:  Very energizing! I hope there will be more sessions.

Garyen Dobiz:  Enjoyed it very much! Great fun!

Lucy Florendo: Highly informative and healthy, very helpful for the well-being.

Erlinda Mathay Corral:  Very inspiring!

Suren Daswani: Excellent presentation of Laughter Yoga by Ms. Elvie.

Avelina Gainsan: I feel good! I hope we will always have a Laughter Yoga session.

Marcus Mckenzie: Very enjoyable. Have sore cheeks from laughing so much.

Agustina Mihara: I feel light whenever I laugh. Hope to learn more techniques to experience many LYoga benefits.

Ching Calug: Am still laughing! Hoho, hahaha!        

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