Piloxing owners share fitness secrets

I have witnessed how crowds build up in fitness conventions, hovering around a pink stage with fit women in pink working out to pulsating music. After years of merely watching, I finally approached the three attractive owners and asked about their unique program. Called piloxing, it is a fusion of standing Pilates, boxing, and dancing. Charmed by three — creator Viveca Jensen, Natasha Bellroth, and Cortney Gornall — I was quickly absorbed by their contagious passion to spread the gospel of their exercise program.

Lindsey Patino, public relations director of Piloxing Academy LLC, reveals, “In early 2000, Viveca recognized that no fitness program delivered the core-focused cardio workout in a single one-hour class as these three separate fitness and health disciplines — dance, boxing, and Pilates. Viveca decided to create a new fitness program that did just that. She drew from her vast experience across separate disciplines. By 2007, after years of time, effort, and testing, she finally reduced the concepts behind a new fitness program. Viveca launched the piloxing fitness program in her own studio in Los Angeles at the beginning of 2009. The program quickly gained popularity, and today, the piloxing community extends to over 40 countries.”

She goes on to relate, “In Scandinavia where Viveca grew up, she obtained a master’s in dance. She later became a master Pilates instructor, a trained boxer, and award-winning body builder. In dance, she trained at the internationally renowned Stockholm Ballet Academy and studied under Billy Goodson in Los Angeles. In fitness, Viveca learned Pilates straight from the lineage of Joseph H. Pilates himself. Passion and experience led Viveca to combine all these experiences and achievements to create the piloxing cardio fusion.”

Lindsey asserts, “Boxing and Pilates have been, and continue to be, two very popular fitness disciplines for decades. Piloxing is the first fitness program that combines the power and high-intensity cardio from boxing, with standing Pilates movements based on Pilates principles. People got addicted because they love not just the feeling of strength and power when throwing jabs, but also the feeling of control and focus with the Pilates principles. It’s been proven that with piloxing, you will see and feel significant results, both physically and mentally. Plus it’s a lot of fun!”

Now, are you ready to get into some piloxing action?

PHILIPPINE STAR: What drives your personal passion for piloxing?

VIVECA JENSEN: Every time I hear stories about women who have gained a sense of confidence and strength because of piloxing, I am reminded why I created the program. There have been times in my own life where I have felt weak and let down, so I made it my mission to empower women through fitness, to feel strong and beautiful in their own skin.

NATASHA BELLROTH: The opportunity to share a workout and a creed that I believe in deeply.

How often do you do piloxing? What other exercises or sports do you do to complement it?

VIVECA: I teach piloxing classes at my Los Angeles studio twice a week, but when I am on the road I’ll sometimes teach two to three master classes in a single day. I also train doing Pilates reformer three to four days a week and box with a private trainer twice a week. I love staying active and will often go on a hike with my daughter on the weekend when I’m not working.

CORTNEY: I do piloxing at least three times a week, and Pilates for stretching and elongation twice a week. I do boxing once a week. I love running hills and canyons, snowboarding, water skiing, and yoga when possible.

NATASHA: I take piloxing classes one to two times per week. I love trying new and different workouts, and I go to the gym regularly.

How does your meal plan look like? Are you on a special diet?

VIVECA: I have a 60-day meal plan as part of my five-disc DVD set “The Piloxing System.” I’m not on a special diet, but do my best to eat clean and healthy. Cut back empty-calorie, starchy, “white junk ” carbs and replace them with high-fiber, nutrient-dense, slow-release carbs. Eat enough daily protein from low-fat sources to sustain the activity load of weekly exercise. Cut down on saturated fat, salt, and sugar, and replace them with “good fat” choices, high in omega 3, and alternative ways to spice up food and make it appetizing without overloading the sugar and salt. Manage cravings by eating at regular intervals and keeping your blood sugar stable.                    

CORTNEY: I eat a balanced diet. I don’t eat fried foods often. I restrict processed food, sugar, salt, saturated fat, butter, wheat, carbs, and oil. I do not completely omit things from my diet. So, if I want a small dessert 1-2x a week, I will indulge. And I snack throughout the day to keep my metabolism active. This keeps me from binging on a large meal.        

 NATASHA: I don’t follow a special meal plan or diet, but generally, I’m careful with what I put in my body. I choose organic whenever available, good meats, and make sure I take in plenty of probiotics. Lastly, Belgian beer and red wine because life is too short!

Can you give us your top three fitness tips?                     

VIVECA: Find a workout that you really love to do. Be consistent with your workout regime if you want to see results. Challenge yourself to push past your limits and do more than you thought you could do.   

CORTNEY: When you feel like you cannot do one more repetition, tell yourself, “Just do one more.” And keep telling yourself that ... next thing you know, you’ve completed the full set of reps. Do something you enjoy doing. If you aren’t having fun, then you will dread it.          

NATASHA: Piloxing,  piloxing, piloxing … In case I forgot to mention, piloxing!

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Post me a note at mylene@goldsgym.com.ph or mylenedayrit@gmail.com.


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