Milk Code targets marketing, milk company violators

Stock photo of baby drinking bottled-milk. Ohocheese/CC BY-NC-ND

MANILA, Philippines - August is officially declared as the breastfeeding month. This year’s theme according to is Breastfeeding: A Winning Goal – For Life! It aims to assert the importance of increasing and sustaining the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) countdown and beyond.

To implement this life-saving goal, the Department of Health and other organizations that support breast feeding, encourage every one to uphold the ‘Milk Code’ or Executive Order 51 (EO 51), the National Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, Breastmilk Supplements and Other Related Products.

We have many Breastfeeding Laws in the Philippines but sadly, not everyone knows about it and that not much support is given.

EO 51 is different from Republic Act 7600 or the Rooming In and Breastfeeding Act of 1992 and Republic Act 10028 or Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009. EO 51 targets marketing and milk companies while the following focus on the rights of nursing moms. EO 51 is based on the International Code of Marketing Milk Substitutes of 1981.

Section 6 of the EO states the prohibitions of the general public and mothers.

Despite being signed on 1987, blatant violations are still committed by various institutions. This prompted Health Secretary Francico Duque to issue the Revised Rules and Regulations to put more teeth to the Milk Code.

Under this, the coverage was expanded for products intended for children up to 2 years instead of just a year. Milk companies, not just manufacturers and distributors are also prohibited from distributing free products. Moreover, there is a total ban on gifts of any like, magazines and trips.

Violators of EO 51 may be punished with 2 months to 1 year imprisonment or a fine of not less than P1,000 nor more than P30,000. On grave cases, private hospitals and other health institutions may be shut down and doctors may be stripped of their licenses if proven to have violated EO 51.

Meanwhile,  no violator of the Milk Code has been convicted. This breastfeeding month, DOH encourages every one to be vigilant and report violators to further fortify the breast feeding laws.

Know more about EO 51here:

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