There's a drug for premature ejaculation

MANILA, Philippines – Do you know that one out of three men suffers from premature ejaculation (PE)? It is the most common male sexual dysfunction that remains undiagnosed and undertreated. In line with this issue, A. Meraniri Philippines brings you Dapoxetine, the first and only drug specifically developed and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of premature ejaculation.

To increase awareness on the condition, Dr. George Lee Eng Geap, a consultant urological surgeon at Gleneagles Tropicana Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur and clinical associate professor at Monash University, Sunway Campus, Malaysia and Dr. Ulysses Quanico, president of the Philippine Urological Association, board of director of the Urology Center of the Philippines, and also the department head of Surgery at the Nazarenus College Foundation Hospital in Meycauayan, Bulacan spoke during the briefing on premature ejaculation organized by A. Menarini Philippines on July 10, 2014 at the Holiday Inn Galleria in Pasig City.

Premature ejaculation is when a man ejaculates with little sexual stimulation and before the man wishes. This can lead to a decrease in sexual satisfaction and quality of life for men and their partners. Premature ejaculation can take two forms. Men can have premature ejaculation from the first time they have sex (lifelong), or develop premature ejaculation later in life, even after many years of normal ejaculatory experience (acquired).

The impact of PE on couples is evident. According to the 2013 Asia-Pacific Sexual Behaviors and Satisfaction Survey, 91 percent of men in the Philippines find it highly important that they sexually satisfy their partners. This is mainly partner-driven—men want to make their partner feel happy, loved, and satisfied. Seven out of 10 (72 percent) Filipinos surveyed were concerned about not being able to sexually satisfy their partners. Almost half (46 percent) were concerned about ejaculating too early or not being able to control when to ejaculate. PE can erode relationships. One in five (20 percent) men with PE says that PE can lead to relationship breakdown or divorce.

According to Dr. Lee, “Men with PE are often reluctant to discuss their condition or are in denial. Their partners, on the other hand, avoid raising the topic for fear of hurting the man’s feelings. This communication gap hinders PE diagnosis and treatment.”

Dr. Quanico agrees. “Because of the social stigma attached to PE, very few couples and even fewer men dare speak about it.”

To bring PE out into the open and increase awareness on the condition, the PUA and A. Menarini Philippines recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to jointly implement an advocacy campaign on PE.

Based on robust clinical trials involving over 16,000 men worldwide, dapoxetine is proven to be well-tolerated and to significantly improve all measures of premature ejaculation, including control over ejaculation and sexual satisfaction for the couple.

Men with premature ejaculation may have decreased levels of serotonin. According to Dr. Lee, serotonin plays a central role in premature ejaculation. It is a neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger in the brain and nervous system. Studies have shown that adequate levels of serotonin in the junctions between neurons or brain cells help delay ejaculation. Dapoxetine quickly increases the synaptic levels of serotonin, improving the symptoms of premature ejaculation.

Dapoxetine is now available in key drugstore chains in June 2014. It is available by prescription in 30 mg and 60 mg oral tablets. Dapoxetine should be taken, on-demand, one to three hours before intercourse with a full glass of water. It is indicated for men with premature ejaculation aged between 18 to 64 years, and is clinically proven to work effectively on the first dose.  It is taken one to three hours before sexual intercourse.To optimize individual response, dapoxetine should be taken for at least six doses or four weeks. It should not be taken more than what is prescribed, and should not be taken more than once every 24 hours.

The general public is encouraged to visit or e-mail for accurate and up-to-date information about PE as well as to take the self-diagnostic test and find a doctor who can help in PE diagnosis and management.

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