Crappy day? Don't turn to social media

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MANILA, Philippines - You come home after a long day. You open your laptop, log in to your social media accounts and see photos of your friends having an awesome night at the club, your neighbor enjoying a 3-day vacation in Paris, your officemate having a gooey dinner with her beau --- These are the reasons why you should not turn to social media when you are having an awful day.

Academics claim that one in three people feel worse after visiting the social media and that their "general dissatisfaction" with life had increased.

German researchers from Berlin’s Humboldt University and Darmstadt's Technical University conducted a study on 600 people and found that those who browsed without contributing were more likely to feel bad afterwards.

As claimed by German experts, gleeful photos of friends who take pleasure in holidays, exchanging comments on their blissful lives or even simply posting pet pictures was enough to trigger envy.

According to these experts, the social media users also revealed the contexts in which their last experience of envy had taken place: Just over 70% said it was in real life, but about 20% said it while using Facebook (FB) per se.

They also claimed that people in Facebook exercise the so-called “self-promotion – envy spiral,” in which users who feel resentful of their social media friends boost their own profiles in retort, forming a ferocious cycle, in which “the envy-ridden character of the platform climate can become even more pronounced.”

The researchers concluded that users increasingly perceive Facebook as a stressful environment, which may endanger platform sustainability.

Facebook and other social media has been an alternative environment of the society today. Man’s exceptional ability to make something innovative has created dimensions where people can say whatever they want and where they can claim things that cannot be truly verified by all the people.

This is a blaring short video posted by HigtonBrothers. To everyone who is an active social media participant, keep in mind that no one has a perfect life. Instead of being bitter about other people’s lives, stay focused on building a better life of your own.

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