Men, weight loss and Cohen

He tipped the scale at 325 pounds. but he wasn’t worried. For him, it was just a family thing since most of the men in his brood were all big. 

Reality hit him during his recent trip to Hong Kong.

“I couldn’t fit in the economy seat. Worse, I was so tempted to ask one of the flight attendants for a spare seatbelt as an extension,” related Francis Salazar, an IT specialist, who considered eating as his only vice.

When he got back from his trip, Francis talked to his mom who kept nagging him to shape up, lose weight, or enroll at the Cohen’s Lifestyle Center Philippines, a lifestyle center that advocates weight loss and wellness through nutrition before it’s too late.

“I was getting so big that I got teased a lot during family reunions,” says Francis. “My mom was so worried I might die young, so she offered to finance the program (Cohen). But she threatened me that If I didn’t stick to it, I would pay her back.”

Formulated by Dr. Rami Cohen, a specialist renowned for his research on hormones involved in obesity and weight loss, the Cohen Program is based on internationally accepted medical research with thousands of success stories worldwide.

So how does the program work?

“Using your blood test results (not blood type), Dr. Cohen analyzes your unique body chemistry to develop a personalized eating plan to bring back the balance of the hormones causing weight gain and to trigger your body’s natural ability to shed fat rapidly and safely,” explains Barbara Young, Cohen Lifestyle Center president and CEO.

As food is the key cause of hormonal imbalance, food also becomes your medicine. The program encourages the intake of only natural, healthy food to correct the hormonal imbalance in obese individuals. The success rate of an individual following the Cohen Lifestyle Program without deviation is 100 percent.

Through the Cohen Lifestyle Program, Francis learned how to control his eating habits.

“Unlike the makeshift diets I tried, the Cohen program is quite tolerable. Though the food choices are limited, I still get to enjoy some of the food in my old lifestyle but in a limited amount,” he related.

After just eight months under the Cohen Program, Francis lost 157 pounds.

From being someone who considers eating as his only vice, Francis has now learned how to control his eating habits, and can now do cardio workouts easily and buy clothes off the rack.

“The best part is that I don’t have to pay double whenever I ride an FX taxi and I can now fit into the airline seat,” Francis enthused.


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Did you know that men lose weight faster than women? With the right weight-loss program, they can be fit and fab, too!

“The male body composition has a higher percentage of lean muscle and less fat than women,” explains Dr. Angela Rodriguez-Bandola, Cohen Lifestyle Center Philippines director. “This means they have a higher metabolic rate so they burn off kilojoules faster.”

Dr. Bandola added that when men gain weight, the fat is almost always concentrated around their abdomen, which is correlated with an increased risk of cardio-metabolic diseases. Most men, like Francis, are just not troubled when the stomach area begins to bulge, because people associate extra weight with strength and masculinity.

For 38-year-old Richard Ang, however, the extra weight meant a huge decline in self-confidence, which was important for a film and TV commercial director like himself.

“Image is quite important in my line of work as I present projects to clients and ad agencies,” he says. “It may be hard for anyone to believe someone who doesn’t believe in himself.”

From 280 pounds., he was down to 180 pounds. after only four months.

Miguel Zozobrado, 27, resolved to lose weight after feelig lousy and groggy all the time, even sharing that at one point, he “literally felt like a huge tub of lard.”

Four and a half months into the Cohen Program, Miguel is now down to 175 pounds. from 255 pounds. and proudly shares that he feels lighter and “cleaner” inside.

Varsity player Anton Barandian, 22, of De La Salle University, shed 108 pounds. from his 294-lb. body. He tried other programs, but was disappointed after his weight reached a plateau. With Cohen, Anton claims that as long as he stuck to his diet, he continued to lose weight. He also shared a secret to making the program effective: “Cohen will only work if you decide to make it work for yourself.”

Aside from losing weight, Cohen graduates reap the benefits of reduced cholesterol levels, improved blood pressure, a decrease in cellulite, increased skin elasticity, improved fertility, and increased energy level.

“Before I started Cohen, my doctors already advised me to take maintenance medications to curb my elevated blood pressure and sugar levels,” relates Dr. Armando Bonifacio, a businessman and surgeon. “After Cohen, I don’t need to take any medications. Cohen not only made me healthier but also look younger and full of energy.”

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To know more about the healthy way to fight obesity, visit Cohen’s Lifestyle Centre Philippines at Suite 808 The Infinity, along 26th Street in Bonifacio Global City.

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