Hahaha plus cha cha cha with PNB 600

The human race has one effective weapon and that is laughter.  — Mark Twain

Our modern-hi-tech-and-highly-competitive world twirls and spins much faster, bringing about intense stress and tension in our daily lives, especially in the work place.   To help them de-stress and experience the much-talked-liked-and-intriguing Laughter Yoga, Arlene Manalili of PNB invited me for a Laughter Yoga session for their 600 employees.  Under the theme “One in 2013,” the PNB 600  bonded together for a whole-day affair, with the most-eagerly-awaited Laughter Yoga session as the highlight of the celebration.

The minute I went up the stage, an instant connection with the participants was made when they hilariously laughed at my laughter. To make several hundreds of people laugh  together instantly — without jokes, props or gadgets —  is indeed a blessing I want to spread around.  Laughter helps us loosen up to feel much better. And Laughter Yoga helps  people in achieving their common goal because “people who laugh together, work better together.”

LYoga boosts the immune system as it releases endorphins that give a good feeling not only to ourselves but to  people around us, as laughter is contagious.  When people are happy, their minds become open, ideas flow in easily, their thinking becomes positive.  Moreover, their mood becomes pleasant, their disposition jovial, thereby promoting harmonious relationship in their work place.

 To underscore the ill effects of stress and emphasize the importance of breathing, I narrated the story of Dr. Otto Warburg, a German medical doctor, who won the Nobel Peace Prize twice.  According to him, the root cause of all modern illnesses is stress.  When a person is under stress, three things happen: 1) the breathing becomes irregular, sometimes fast, other times slow; 2) breathing is shallow as it emanates from the chest, instead of the diaphragm, and 3) the tendency to hold breathing.  To focus on proper breathing, we did some deep breathing exercises to oxygenate the cells in the major organs of our bodies,  thus preventing sickness and illnesses.

Like happy children, the PNB 600 hilariously did the many LYoga exercises after warming up to drop inhibitions. Among them was the much-applauded Lion Laughter, which I told them was anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, and good for the diaphragm muscles.

Reminding the participants that what we think and say are what we attract to happen to us, in one loud voice, they recited the Positive Chants heartily and energetically.

To make the event more fun, colorful, and innovative, we danced cha cha cha to the beat of hoho hahaha, and the participants roared with super laughter.

Some inspiring-morale-boosting-and-positive comments from the participants:

• Nelda Casas: The session was fun, relaxing, and educational. Thank you for the opportunity to share with us Laughter Yoga,  Ms. Elvie.  Please continue doing and researching for us.  We need this type of session.

• Christine Marie Rillera: The LYoga session was very relaxing, a genuine stress-buster!  The lessons learned on illness prevention can be very helpful and guarantee cure without the use of drugs.  Thus, curing the natural way.

• John Mariano: It made me feel  happily crazy.

• Nety V. Guerero: I will definitely share what I learned from the LYoga session in our branch.

• Myrna Ganon: The Laughter Yoga session was very relaxing. I really enjoyed it.

• Yoganne Samera: I love the session!  It gives me a simple and practical tool to cope  with stress and tensions. It will be an emergency kit for free.

 â€¢ Visitacion Peñalosa: It is very true that laughter is the best medicine. It keeps you young and enjoy life despite the difficulties.  Keep up the noble job of keeping all Filipinos healthy, Ms. Elvie.

• Melchor Manalili: The LYoga session made me feel so relaxed.

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For more info, visit www.laughteryogaphils.com.  To laugh, visit lycphohohahaha.

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