This Christmas, give yourself the gift of fitness

MANILA, Philippines - For sure, the holidays are a difficult time to think about starting a diet and fitness regimen. With all the eating going on, attempting to do so now may be tantamount to setting yourself up for failure. But when you feel like your clothing fits as tightly as would the wax on a queso de bola, or when you start to wheeze as you heave your hefty form from one party to another, then maybe the holiday season is actually the best time to resolve to be fit. Call it a test of will.  If you are able to resist all temptations now, then the chance for long-term success is better. You can stand firm against all inducements for the rest of the year.

The thing is, not every diet works, however. One can eat like a bird, yet remain frustratingly out of shape. The experts tell us that this is because sometimes it is not a simple matter of how much we eat or exercise. Hormones such as cortisol, for example, will actually make it more difficult to get rid of the body fat.

And thus, an individualized diet regimen that takes hormonal imbalances into account is the way to go. At the Cohen’s Lifestyle Center, programs are based on an individual’s blood profile to determine the diet that would best promote weight reduction. The program is based on the studies and recommendations of Dr. Rami Cohen, an international specialist who is known for his research on the hormones involved in obesity and weight loss.

Starting out with a biochemical analysis of blood, a diet that will balance out the hormones and promote rapid fat loss is formulated for every individual. The weight stays off as long as one retains hormonal balance by eating right. Thus far, the results of the program are impressive so that more people are encouraged to fight the problem of obesity and its attendant health complications.

Francis Anthony Salazar, 31, IT specialist: Lost 153 lbs. in 10 months

“I was resigned to the fact that I would be fat all my life,” says Francis Anthony Salazar. “I was 325 pounds and I thought I felt okay. Sometimes when I walked, my knees would hurt, but I accepted that it was part of it all. And since I didn’t like to freak out my parents, I didn’t even think of complaining.”

He recounts that while he wasn’t an extremely big kid, the weight gradually added up as he reached adulthood and started working. “My mom constantly pushed me to lose the extra pounds, but I have to admit that initially I resisted her prodding. I have no other vices apart from food, and I felt that if I gave up eating, I would be left out of my group.” He explains that he belongs to a clique that loves trying out new restaurants.

There were other challenges. “I knew that I couldn’t buy clothes off the rack and I paid double when I rode public transportation to avoid getting dirty looks from the driver. But I accepted that it was part of it all.” 

Fortunately, he capitulated to his mother’s nudging and enrolled at the Cohen’s Lifestyle Center. “I lost 25 lbs. on the first month, so that people at my church would tell me, ‘Get a new outfit, you don’t look well.’ And so I discovered the pleasure of buying clothes off the rack.”

 With diligent goal-setting, Francis is now 171 lbs. The best part, he says, is that he still gets to try out the new restaurants. This time, however, it is a more disciplined form of eating.

Dr. Angel S. Rodriguez-Bandola, obstetrician: Lost 110 lbs. in 13 months

“I’ve been struggling with weight all my life and with all the late nights in medical school, I really ballooned,” says Dr. Angel Bandola. Certainly, she tried various diets, medications, and workouts where she would shed a few pounds. But these were quickly regained.

Her poor sleeping and eating habits persisted even after specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, so that Dr. Bandola weighed 240 pounds at her heaviest. “I was pre-diabetic and struggling with impaired sugar levels and infertility,” she shares. Through her sister Regina, she learned about the Cohen program and lost 110 lbs. in 13 months.

In December, 2011, after two years of successfully maintaining her weight, Dr. Bandola finally got pregnant. She now has a baby girl. That she regained some weight during pregnancy did not bother her. With the Cohen program, she knew she could lose the extra pounds soon enough.

Dr. Alexandra Laya-Zinampan, 38, gastroenterologist: Lost 88 lbs. in six months         

“Sometimes you want to do the Cheetos,” admits gastroenterologist Dr. Sandra Zinampan, laughing. She gained over 100 lbs. during pregnancy and had difficulty losing the extra weight.

“Fortunately, there is a Cohen community — a support system — where we encourage and inspire each other to hold fast, persevere, and stay on the program.” But she admits that support from the family is important as well. At the “Fit for the Red Carpet” event, a fashion show where Cohen graduates showed off their slimmer physiques, members of Dr. Sandra Zinampan’s family, including her father, former Central Bank governor Dr. Jaime Laya, were around to cheer her on.    

“After Cohen, I am now more in tune with my body,” says the doctor. She claims that she is now more conscious about how certain foods cause bloating, headaches or even swelling in the legs. “It is always a challenge not to go back to your old habits. I would recommend this program for people who are determined to help themselves.”

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To know more about the Cohen program, visit Cohen’s Lifestyle Center Philippines at Suite 1006, 10th floor Medical Plaza, Makati Building, Amorsolo corner de la Rosa Streets, Legaspi Village, Makati City. Call 502-1090s /501 5237, or log on to

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