CalChews makes a mom’s dream come true

MANILA, Philippines - Freelance writer, editor, website consultant, and blogger Martine De Luna specializes in writing about her personal experiences as a first-time mother.

“Being a mom is filled with small moments that make the journey more memorable, even ‘bloggable.’ This is why my blog is called ‘Dainty Mom,’” she wrote.

But even though she’s perfectly happy with being what she calls a work-at-home mom or simply ‘WAHM’, Martine has always been the adventurous and romantic type. So when CalChews — the first and only calcium supplement with vitamins D and K that comes in delicious soft chew form — recently held a contest asking women bloggers to write an entry called “4 Before 40” (which listed down the four things they would like to do before turning 40), it was a no-brainer for Martine to join.

 “Writing the ‘4 before 40’ blog wasn’t that difficult. I knew I wanted to have a baby girl, circumnavigate the world with my husband, write a book, and have 20/20 vision as I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 12,” she reveals.

Martine also fielded an entry in CalChews’  “CalChews Me” blog-writing contest, asking participants to state five good reasons why CalChews should send one of them to an all-expense-paid trip to Tuscany, Italy.

With her victory, Martine’s life also changed for good. For starters, Tuscany, Italy was a marked departure from her previous traveling routine, which consisted mostly of business trips to Cebu when she was an administrator for a tutorial school.

It also helped that CalChews — Pascuallab’s new calcium supplement brand — already figured prominently in her life and daily health regimen.  Martine was more than glad to learn about this new calcium supplement that’s not only good for the bones, body, and heart but also comes in a soft chew form with two delicious flavors — Rich Chocolate and Creamy Caramel. “I recommend the caramel. Yum! What’s great about CalChews is that I get to eat a maximum of two a day, for my daily calcium needs. The bone-strengthening, immune-boosting, heart-healthy goodness of CalChews is a big boost to my overall well-being,” she points out.

Taking CalChews does not only help her get through her usual routines, it ultimately paved the way for her winning the five-day trip to the foreign land she could only previously dream about.

 “Of course, we had to drive by the Colosseum! It really was an imposing structure,” she wrote.  The Dainty Mom’s succeeding days were equally eventful. Martine devoted an entire post to Siena, her favorite stop in the entire Tuscan adventure.  

The tours were exhausting and back-breaking at times.  Martine was thankful that she brought along a sufficient supply of CalChews, her daily companion throughout the trip. This breakthrough Calcium supplement gave her the assurance that her bones are healthy and strong enough to cope with the long walks and hectic schedule.


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