15 Fitness First members vie for New You Achievement Awards

Manila, Philippines - Fifteen men and women, who have undergone remarkable transformations after taking up a healthier lifestyle, now vie for the 2012 Fitness First New You Achievement Awards (NYAA).  

Twelve months of discipline and rigorous tasks paid off for the finalists of NYAA who have achieved life-changing success because of their determination to stay fit. This year’s NYAA features inspiring stories of triumph  from a journalist whose weight became a hindrance to his physically demanding job to a 45-year-old ultra-marathon runner, a retired government employee who switched to a more active lifestyle after years in a desk job, to a former model now training for a triathlon competition.

The award, which recognizes the extraordinary health and fitness achievements of Fitness First members, is divided into four categories: health, shape, strength, and sport. The health category acknowledges contenders who were able to improve their well-being.  Finalists who have successfully toned their physique compete under the shape category. The strength category includes those who improved their endurance to withstand arduous exercise. Lastly, the sports category recognizes finalists who underwent a rigorous training regimen to prepare for a sports competition or a physical event.  Aside from the winners for the four categories, an over-all winner among Fitness First members all over the country will also be selected.

“The stories of these finalists will serve as a big inspiration to everyone who needs the motivation to pursue a healthier life,” says Fitness First’s country manager Mark Ellis. “Their transformation goes beyond the incredible improvement in their physique or physical strength. What is even more moving is how their decision to be fit also positively impacted other aspects of their lives. We at Fitness First are very proud to be instrumental in changing the lives of thousands of our members.”

The winners of the Fitness First New You Achievement Awards will be announced in a special ceremony on Thursday, July 19 at the Unilab Bayanihan Center.

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