On Valentine's Day, just KISS

MANILA, Philippines - For maximum love and happiness on Valentine’s Day, here are precious bits of advice:

• Make it an “off Valentine’s” date. February 14, Valentine’s Day, is extremely commercialized. Intimacy is essential to a great Valentine’s Day date, avoiding the rush increases your chances of more quality time alone with your special someone.

• Reserve your flowers early. Flower shops are profitable only because of Valentine’s Day. It is next to impossible to get good flowers on or close to Valentine’s Day. If you plan on having flowers on the day itself, order well in advance.

• Don’t look sick. Nothing saps the romance on a date like sickness. But if it’s something common like a headache, gas pains or a bit of a cold, you might be able to save the night with some common medications. For headaches, Saridon provides fast and effective relief like no other tablet. For gas pains, there are many common antacids available, but if you want to go all natural, try munching on a couple of big bananas. If it’s a cold, no-drowse cold tablets are always an option.

• Take wine, not beer. A tight budget is no excuse to make your date feel cheap. If you plan to consume some alcohol on Valentine’s Day as many tend to do, don’t drink beer. Wine is typically the preferred spirit for Valentine’s Day revelry. Even a “cheap” wine is preferable to a six pack.

• Avoid movies if possible. For couples who see a lot of movies together, a trip to the movies is too common for Valentine’s Day. Unless it’s a romantic movie you have both been dying to see for a long time, movies are too trite for Valentine’s Day. 

• Apply the KISS principle (keep it simple st*pid). Valentine’s Day is about two people in love or at the very least strongly in “like,” and two such people can have a magical time doing just about anything so long as they are together.

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