Natural healing: There's a doctor inside us

MANILA, Philippines - What was once dismissed as a pseudoscience is now gaining some legitimacy and support from medical practitioners. Naturopathy is an alternative medicine that is based on the premise that diseases can be treated by altering one’s diet, using herbal or botanical medicine, traditional oriental medicine (such as acupuncture), and even by applying massage or manipulative therapy. What makes naturopathy more credible today is that it is supported by scientific or medical diagnostic services, and makes use of modern standards of health care.

 “It all starts with the cell,” says Dr. Jack Tips. Known around the world for his work in the natural health field as well as books on nutrition and health restoration, he was in Manila as a speaker at the 2011 Natural Healing Conference & Expo conducted by CIPAP or the Comprehensive Iridology Practitioners Association of the Philippines.

“The number one cause of all our diseases today is toxicity,” continues Dr. Tips who advocates that healing should start at the cellular level. “To be able to renew healthy life processes, the cells need to undergo five Rs. These are: Remove the source, regenerate the cell membrane, restore ATP energy, reduce inflammation and free radicals, and reestablish methylation.”

“If we do not remove the source of a person’s ailment, we cannot make him better,” explains Dr. Tips. “Today, more than any time in our lives, we need effective detoxification protocols to address: 1) the body’s metabolic wastes and intermediate metabolites; 2) neurotoxins from pesticides, 3) side effects of prescription drugs, 4) radioactive particles inhaled from the air and eaten in food, 5) xenobiotic (or chemical substances foreign to biological systems) compounds in the environment — air and water pollutants, household chemicals, plastics, non-nutritive food additives.”

But while the old methods of detoxification such as diets, bowel cleansing, and liver flushes are still important, Dr. Tips proposes a new model to make these procedures work better. “We need to learn how to implement such therapies within the structure of a new model for detoxification to make them even more effective.”

Dr. Tips believes that the Herxheimer Reaction — a detoxification reaction of the body that manifests flu-like symptoms including headache, sore throat, muscular pains, and general malaise — can and should be avoided.

How to go about effective detoxification of the body and promoting cellular health?

Dr. Tips lists four detoxification rules.

• First, always support the liver. “The liver is the body’s primary detoxification organ. When the liver can handle the load, it helps prevent Herxheimer reactions. Further, the liver is a primary “drainage” system for the body ushering toxins of high molecular weight (heavy metals) to the gall bladder for excretion through the bowel, and toxins of light molecular weight and ‘water soluble’ toxins to the kidney.”

Dr Tips recommends that programs to remove the backlog of toxins from the liver, gall bladder, and colon will prepare the body for the next phase of detoxification.

• Second, support the neuroendocrine system. “Neuroendocrine support means more than just toning the hypothalamic/pituitary/pineal axes. It involves supporting the anti-inflammatory processes at the cell membranes and boosting ATP production so there is plenty of cellular energy. It also involves nutrients such as B vitamins, lipids, and minerals that protect the neurons and nerves.”

• Third, always provide drainage support. “Simply put, when the liver’s vitality is increased, the body’s innate intelligence knows that it’s time to get the offending, health-destroying toxins out of storage and expelled from the body. The lymphatic system and the blood are the ‘highways’ that the toxins travel and this means that the primary detoxification organs are the liver and the kidneys.

• Fourth, support cellular detoxification. “Vitamin D3 has phenomenal ability to reduce cell membrane inflammation. Cell membranes have vitamin D receptors and ample vitamin D triggers numerous benefits, including cell differentiation and immune system support.”

Dr. Jack Tips recommends that everyone undergo detoxification at least once a year.

For those who still doubt the validity of natural medicine, however, some words to ponder from Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Prize winning physician: “The witch doctor succeeds for the same reason all the rest of us (medical doctors) succeed. Each patient carries his own doctor inside himself. They come to us not knowing that truth. We are at our best when we give the doctor who resides within each patient a chance to go to work.”

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