HPV: Warts it all about

MANILA, Philippines -  If you think that HPV is all about women and cervical cancer, think again. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a life changer for any sexually active individual, regardless of gender. However, there remains a broad misconception among Filipinos that the virus targets only women, when the rising cases of HPV-related diseases in men show that equal precaution is advised for both sexes.

Genital HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in both sexes, with at least 50 percent of all sexually active people contracting it within their lifetime. It is highly transmissible because one can contract it through skin-to-skin contact and not just through sexual intercourse.

“Almost 80 percent of HPV conditions do not show any symptoms until they are already in the late, dangerous stages. This is problematic because men have a tendency to ignore health problems, more so genital infections until treatment becomes more difficult, costly and, in some cases, impossible,” notes Dr. Angela Bandola, an ob-gyne infectious disease specialist from the UP-PGH.

Apart from life-threatening female diseases such as cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer, HPV can also lead to male illnesses such as penile cancer, as well as anal cancer and genital warts that affect both sexes.

“HPV infection can happen in both males and females and although there are various ways to prevent infection, vaccination remains the most important method to prevent HPV infection. And this can be administered to both men and women. The HPV vaccine helps prevent not just cervical cancer but other genital cancers and genital warts as well. This, coupled with regular screening and a healthy lifestyle, lowers the risk of getting the diseases,” Dr. Bandola advises.

HPV vaccine helps prevent four types of HPV and, consequently, the diseases that result from it. At present, it is the only vaccine variant that helps address male HPV problems.

To know more about HPV and ways to prevent it, consult your doctor. You may also go to www.helpfightHPV.com.

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