
My hands are definitely full with five children and a husband to take care of, aside from the myriad of things I am slowly getting back to like work, fitness, etc. Yes, it’s very busy all right, but hey, I can’t complain.  I’m actually thankful.  It’s amazing how much can be done when I follow a system in time management.  I’m learning more and more about what it means to prioritize and yes, say no, too!  Sometimes though, things just have to happen all at the same time especially when the children come from school (which is six to eight minutes away) and they’re fresh with ideas to share that I have to literally psyche myself to welcome the good, the bad, and the ugly sharings from the day.

The most hectic time in our home would be during dinner when everyone’s just so tired and most of the time trying to synchronize schedules and needs while I make sure everybody gets organized early for bed without neglecting moments of quiet and prayer together as a family. 

When things get hectic, I normally put on my general’s hat when I panic.  When I do so, things get messy. For one, my children already know that I can’t keep up being stern and strict for more than five minutes. Even when I give my “commands” with a straight face, how can they take me seriously when I end up saying things like: “Don’t turn when it’s not your talk” when I actually mean, “Don’t talk when it’s not your turn” or “Brush your teeth with soap and water” when I wanted them to make sure they brush their teeth and wash their hands with soap and water. After prayers and goodnight kisses, of course I end up saying something like, “Turn off the TV” when what I meant was I wanted the lights shut. Once, I was reprimanding my son for being too rowdy before bed that I told him to be quiet because Katri was sleeping. Katri is, of course, our dog and I was actually referring to my daughter Solana!  My children get a kick out of my jumbled-up brain at the end of the day, which is probably the result of trying to contain and manage so much information in one day!  Why, how else can I explain wearing my shirt backwards and driving on the wrong side of the road? Now, I really believe in the saying “Insanity is hereditary  you get it from your children!”  Either I’m insane or God’s got a great sense of humor or both.

I love a great laugh especially after a hectic day. Yes, I have learned more than ever to laugh and enjoy the moment. I’m too old to take everything so seriously. My children know that I’ve mellowed so much in my parenting and the presence of a baby has made us all kinder, I must say. I do agree with my son Benjamin when he says, “Mom, the word for the day is chill …” I’ve actually made that my motto. When I breathe, I relax, then I’m definitely able to think straight and make sound choices. 

So there, if you’ve read this far, hope it saves your day. Chill!

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Follow author on twitter@mommymaricel.

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