Death by asphyxiation

Do people around you move away because of your offensive body odor?  Body odor, also known as “bromhidrosis” could be a real problem if left untreated. Surprisingly, in a lot of cases, those that have it are not even aware they have it and are so insensitive that they don’t notice people moving away from them.

Recently, I was on a PAL flight to Beijing and was seated on an aisle seat. Bosom buddy Jojo Zabarte was across the aisle on the same row. Thank God, there was an empty seat between me and the man occupying the window seat!  Soon after take-off, he decided to retrieve something from his hand carry in the bin above. As soon as he passed my seat and lifted his arms, there was a poisonous, toxic, asphyxiating odor that pervaded the space around him. I literally almost fainted from lack of oxygen as I had to hold my breath until he went back to his window seat. By then, everyone around him stood up and moved away, including Jojo and I.  The flight was not full so we scampered away and chose the farthest possible seats from the skunk.  It was a five-hour flight and we were not about to get asphyxiated by this man’s offensive body odor.

Sweat success

What causes body odor? There are some factors that cause it, but It is basically related to one’s hygiene and diet. Shower at least once a day or even more, if you are super active and prone to sweating. Sweat, in itself, is odorless but when microscopic bacteria that live naturally on your skin mix with sweat, they multiply quickly. These millions of bacteria raise quite a stink while they are multiplying. So washing thoroughly, especially the areas prone to sweating (the feet, the groin, the anus area, the upper thighs, and the underarms) can reduce the body odor.

    Diet also has a lot to do with body odor. Foods that tend to make you sweat more like hot peppers and other spicy foods also contribute to body odor. Foods like onions or garlic come out in your sweat, giving you that stinky smell. A diet that’s heavy on red meat like lamb, venison, goat, etc. also make one emit an unpleasant body odor


What are some inexpensive remedies to get rid of body odor? _    

• Daily shower is so important; better still, use anti-bacterial soap. Towel dry carefully, especially on areas that sweat profusely. Bacteria that cause body odor have a harder time breeding on your skin if it’s dry.

• Apply maximum-strength deodorants or antiperspirants twice a day. Antiperspirants contain aluminum chloride, a chemical that reduces sweating. An effective home remedy is hydrogen peroxide. Try one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide on a cup of water and wipe with a washcloth on affected areas. This may help destroy bacteria that creates odor.

• Keep your wardrobe squeaky clean. Change clothes often when you are sweating heavily.  Fresh clothes help keep body odor down. Be sure to change your socks as well and spray on a foot deodorant if you have foot odor.

• Cut out or cut down on “offensive” foods. You are what you eat. Fatty foods, strong spices like garlic, curry, onions seep through your pores, come out of your breath, and cause body odor and bad breath. Take it from me, I had some unpleasant experience from the garlic pills that I was taking to get rid of a bad cold.  Sometime ago, I was on a homeopathic mode to cure a very bad cold so I took 15 potent garlic pills a day aside from other pills that were a combination of potent herbs  ginger, fenugreek, Echinacea, etc.  After five long days, I got rid of my cold, but my two flat mates did not mince their words when they told me frankly that I had offensive body odor. It took many days of water therapy and fresh juice diet to get rid of the unpleasant body odor I emitted. Not to mention airing the apartment and opening the windows for hours at the height of winter. I learned from that experience. For bad colds, I take an overdose of lemon juice, lots of water, and a lot of rest.   

Goodbye, garlic pills and body odor forever!

Should you tell a friend that she/he has offensive body odor?   

Yes. One of two things can happen.  He/she will thank you and appreciate your care and friendship or he/she will hate your bluntness forever. There are ways to say it in a tactful way.   Perhaps gift him/her with a deodorant? He/she should take the hint from that and be appreciative that you care. 

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