Rx: A dose of TLC for colds and flu

MANILA, Philippines - The cold Siberian winds blowing across the country also signals the season of fever, colds, and flu.

What to do if a loved one is under the weather and confined to bed with a fever?

Relax. Nexcare by 3M, makers of first-aid products and hospital-proven products that provide superior protection and comfort, shares helpful tips on how to care for a loved one when the flu bug bites :

• Make sure the patient is cared for and comfortable. Then add lots of tender loving care. Make sure the room is quiet and comfortable, with the temperature just so — neither too hot nor too cold. Let the patient decide if he/she wants to use a blanket or not. Always be on call and ask often how the patient feels. Even just a simple touch to the neck or forehead and the simple plumping up of the pillow can be heartwarming.

• Offer plenty of liquids. When there is fever or diarrhea, water, tea, juice, soup and broth are the perfect things to prepare. The patient needs to get rid of the “bad stuff” and has to pee often. This will also help lower the temperature.

• Give the sick person a sponge bath if he/she can’t shower. Cleanliness and hygiene are very important. Wash the sick person with a sponge or wash cloth dipped in lukewarm water. Use some soap if you can, then puff on some baby powder on the patient’s back and chest to make them feel really good and babied. Always make sure the sheets and covers are clean. Change the sick person’s bed clothes every day.

• If the sick person is up to it, feed him/her good food for nourishment. Fully rounded soups, meat (pork, chicken, beef or turkey) or fish cooked in his/her favorite dish will help nurse him/her faster back to health. If they crave pasta or vegetables, that would be good, too. Try to hold back on fatty foods though as they are hard to digest.

• Ease the heat and discomfort of fever and headaches with Nexcare Cooling Gel Patches for Kids and Adults. These gel strips provide a cooling effect that lasts for up to six hours. Ideal for treating headaches and migraines, they provide immediate relief by cooling the skin. They’re non-medicinal too, so you can use them with traditional medicines and herbal treatments. They stick effectively on the forehead but can be easily removed. To treat the other aches and pains of fever and flu, use Nexcare by 3M’s reusable Hot and Cold Pack as hot or cold compress, as desired. These Nexcare products will come in handy in the sick room.

Nexcare products are available in all leading drugstores and malls nationwide. For more information, visit www.3m.com.

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