Go, grow, glow foods

MANILA, Philippines - Giving proper nutrition to children is hard at times, especially in a school environment. Even though a lot of schools now strictly regulate food concessionaires to keep them from offering unhealthy choices of drinks and snacks to their students, a lot of premises still lack this rule in place. Kids can also be tempted to go for junk food from the stalls and stores in the nearly surroundings.

This is why giving them homemade snacks and lunches is highly suggested. Not only does this save on cost, but more importantly, it enables parents to monitor their children’s meals and nutritional intake daily — which is especially important during their growing-up years.

“Young kids can better develop and strengthen their body resistance if given the proper nutrition through the Go, Grow, and Glow basic food groups,” says Jasmin Estacio, consumer marketing manager for Bear Brand. These groupings that help identify and categorize the nutritional benefits of healthy food varieties are promoted by the product during its nationwide school-based Laki sa Gatas nutrition education advocacy.

“Go” foods, for starters, are called as such because they provide energy to keep kids active and on the go. These consist of carbohydrate-rich foods such as sweet potatoes, rice, pasta, and bread. Children lacking in this food group may tire easily and feel weak.

“Grow” foods, on the other hand, help build bones and teeth, strengthen muscles, and improve mental functions. Under this category are protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, fish, and dairy products such as milk.

Lastly, “Glow” foods help strengthen the body’s immune system to give protection against sickness and diseases. Vegetables belong to this group as well as fruits that are filled with vitamins A, C, E, B-6, zinc, and folic acid, like apples, oranges, dalandan, bananas, avocados, papayas, and pineapples. To make children appreciate eating these foods, parents can present them in an interesting manner, such as by cutting them into unique shapes or playing up the colors to liven up the dishes.

Practical-minded parents can make Go, Grow, and Glow foods even healthier — and more affordable — by encouraging their children to drink milk, the one beverage that has the nutrients of the three basic food groups. Bear Brand powdered milk drink is fortified with resistance-building nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamin C. These nutrients play important roles in helping strengthen the child’s body resistance.

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