New hope for the hefty: Bariatric surgery

MANILA, Philippines -  No doubt about it: Obesity is one of the world’s biggest problems! The most common causes of obesity are an imbalanced diet, one that is higher in fat and sugars, and a trend towards more sedentary activities. Barring any physiological problems, these can be resolved through proper nutrition and an exercise regimen. Sounds simple enough, right? But what about those who have done everything and anything from a proper diet to pills, teas, and a whole arsenal of slimming techniques?

An alternative solution is surgery. Bariatric surgery is now available to patients even if they are only 40 to 50 pounds overweight. Strictly speaking, a bariatric surgery can be done on anyone aged 18 to 65 years old, for those who have a BMI (body mass index) of over 40. Beyond the numbers, the ideal candidates are those at risk of life-threatening diseases due to obesity.

“Try to limit intake of fats and sugars, and instead go for more fruits and vegetables,” prescribes Dr. Henry Horrilleno of Makati Medical Center. “Be less sedentary and increase your physical activity. These small steps go a long way. However, if your health is at risk, a look at a bariatric surgical option may be for you.”

There are four types of bariatric procedures, all done by Dr. Horrilleno and his team at the Weight Wellness Center of Makati Medical Center. Most commonly known and the longest used is the gastric bypass, where a small portion of the stomach is stapled off, resulting in a smaller stomach. The adjustable band, or Lap-Band, is popular as well, with an adjustable band inserted around the upper part of the stomach. The VBG, or vertical banded gastroplasty, combines both the gastric bypass and the adjustable gastric bands, creating banded or stapled sections of the stomach to lose weight. The newest among the procedures is the gastric sleeve, also known as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, which involves removing a sleeve-shaped section of the stomach.

Dr. Horrilleno, a member of both the American College of Surgeons and American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, points out that the most popular method is the Lap-Band adjustable gastric banding system. “This is the gold standard in bariatric surgery because there is little possibility for leaks. It’s the safest procedure,” he shares.

Having trained under Dr. Allan Wittgrove, a pioneer in laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery, Dr. Horrilleno recommends for best results: “Patients should also do their part. Eat three small, proper meals; chew thoroughly; and drink lots of water. Practise proper dietary habits, coupled with 30 minutes of exercise. The point of the procedure is for patients to eat less.”

For truly, less is more!

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