Take control of your health. or others will

MANILA, Philippines - Health freedom” is one of the new wellness-related phrases being seen more and more and attracting the attention of people who now accept the possibility that there are ways to stay healthy other than those dictated by allopathic or mainstream, western medicine.

 I use the word “dictated” because that is what we have allowed many doctors and pharmaceutical companies to do: dictate to us what we should or should not buy to maintain good health.  Being dictated to makes us slaves, and slaves have no freedom.

 It is time to set ourselves free.  Free to decide for ourselves.  After all, it is our health; it’s our bodies we are talking about here.

Get diagnosed for cancer and the oncologist (oncology is the study of bumps) has an almost automatic reaction: Slice, poison, and burn.  Operate, take radiation therapy or go on chemotherapy.  And that, despite the fact that at least one recent survey indicated that oncologists themselves would not prescribe chemotherapy for cancer-stricken family members.

And here’s another chilling statistic:  Chemotherapy has a success rate of only 2.3 to 3 percent.  That means a failure, meaning death, rate of 97 percent!

Get diagnosed for heart disease and chances are the cardiologist will prescribe a cocktail of drugs that includes blood thinners and cholesterol-lowering statins.  In this age of information technology, a simple Google search will tell you that one ingredient in blood thinners is rat poison!

Do your own research on statins.  They are not only bad for the brain; an associate in my radio program says her sister has shriveled after years of being on “maintenance” with statins.

Would you believe that some dictators in the pharmaceutical profit-crazy brotherhood are reported to be now developing a possible vaccine against cholesterol? And would you believe that despite our knowledge that without cholesterol we would all be dead, some medical literature now lists cholesterol as a disease?

I can go on and on about the ways we are being enslaved and deprived of our freedoms.  But as they say, there are no tyrants where there are no slaves. 

We are free to embrace new, alternative, and natural ways of staying healthy and of addressing health problems.

A lady I interviewed in Puerto Princesa said she was grateful not to be rich.  When diagnosed for cancer, she chose the nutrients and a healthy diet approach instead of chemicals.  She is still alive and cancer-free today.

Her doctors in New York had all but given up on Julie Figueroa’s brain cancer.  She came home to the Philippines and discovered virgin coconut oil (VCO). She saw her New York doctors six months later and they found her to be cancer-free.  One of the doctors was so impressed he asked Julie for a supply of VCO.  And Julie went on to market VCO internationally,

My radio co-host Emily Marcelo was bothered by what she insisted was elevated sugar; she was averse to calling it diabetes.  Recently, she tried a combination of coco sugar, turmeric (luyang dilaw), and cinnamon.  She swears it worked, and she continues the treatment, making sure she takes nothing else to ensure that credit is given where credit is due.

There is, fortunately, now a more open attitude to natural modes and materials for preventing and treating health concerns. There is increasing attendance at the monthly alternative medicine seminars organized by PCAM, the Philippine College for Advance in Medicine, of which this writer is a director.

The awareness is worldwide. Big Pharma is, as expected, not taking this sitting down.

When 14-year-old Nathalie Morton died within hours of getting a shot of cervarix that was supposed to immunize her against cervical cancer, a pathologist was quick to say that Nathalie really died of an undetected form of cancer in her chest!  And when her classmates wanted to discontinue their immunization shots, they were told by school authorities that they could die if they did not complete the immunization injections.

There is a research finding that prescription drugs are among the top three causes of deaths. One finding even goes as far as to say that they are the No. 1 cause.

The tug-of-war between natural medicine and prescription medications continues.  With the latter, unfortunately, still winning.

One can remain a slave. Or opt to be on the side of health freedom. The choice is ours.

I have made my choice.  Having marked my diamond year only recently, I would like to think that I was right in resisting intrusive methods, such as coronary bypass and angioplasty, in addressing my cardiovascular and circulatory problems.

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