A lupus survivor shares her tale of faith and triumph

MANILA, Philippines – Rosella (not her real name) is a brave lupus survivor. Here, she shares her story of faith and triumph over a life-threatening disease:

“It was a miracle that I got healed. I guess God answers our prayers but not always in the way we want. Just when you think the game is over, just when you’re at the edge of the cliff of hopelessness, the Lord pulls you up and helps you get out of the quagmire of desperation.

“In 2003, during my second year in college, I was diagnosed with lupus nephritis (class 4) and confined in the hospital for over a month. Two years later, I was diagnosed with lupus cerebritis as a result of a seizure. I was so devastated when I learned that the lupus virus had started to attack my brain. Then and there, I wanted to end my life, especially when my doctor said I could no longer go back to school. I was even advised to see a psychiatrist to help me cope with my situation, so that I would be able to accept the fact that lupus would remain in my system forever.

“But deep inside, I refused to just let things be. I knew I would overcome this disease because I have faith in God and deep in my heart, I knew my prayers would be answered. Besides, with today’s technological advances and endless research to find a cure for lupus, I just knew I had a fighting chance to be cured.

“This treacherous disease started attacking my immune system and vital organs like my kidneys and lungs. My hemoglobin count dropped. I screamed and cried from the excruciating pain every time doctors took out about four liters of water from my lungs. I just wanted to die to put an end to the pain. When I went through a recent surgery, I was awake during the whole procedure because the anesthesia didn’t work. It was probably because of the overdose of painkillers injected in me all this time.

“And then, one day, my mother was listening to her favorite radio program when she heard about Easy Pha-Max Wheatgrass and its benefits if taken on a regular basis. She immediately inquired about how she could purchase the wheatgrass. Barely two days after taking the wheatgrass, she felt strong and didn’t feel as weak as she did after doing household chores. She told me to try it and see if my condition would improve.

“However, I was advised against taking wheatgrass by my doctors because it might conflict with the medicines I was taking or might harm my kidneys further. But my mother’s persistence made me relent. I started to take two sachets of this wonder wheatgrass every day for two weeks. After two weeks, I felt nothing — I mean, I felt great! I felt strong. I was able to sleep better. I didn’t feel dizzy anymore. When it was time for my periodic lab test to check my hemoglobin count, the doctor was in for a big surprise. My hemoglobin count went up from 8.1 g/dl to 12 g/dl (normal level) and my creatine level was normal. My doctor was amazed, but because we did not tell her that I was taking wheatgrass, she assumed it was due to the injections and other maintenance medicines I was taking.

“After continuously taking Easy Pha-Max Wheatgrass for six months, my test results showed more improvements: My pus cells were normal. I no longer had UTI (urinary tract infection). I might be taken off steroids soon. Easy Pha-Max wheatgrass, a superfood, must be God’s gift to man.

“Because of my improved condition, I am studying again and back to my day-to-day routine. And I feel stronger every day — strong enough to reach for my young dreams.

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To know more about Easy Pha-Max Wheatgrass, call 890-1111 or 09178612008. Visit www.wheatgrasscan.com.

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