Pain, pain, go away

MANILA, Philippines - Did you know that inflammation is one of the root causes of health problems? From pimples and eczema to the life-threatening cancer, inflammation is the body’s natural defense against infections and injuries. Once a virus or an injury is detected, the immune system immediately releases chemicals from white blood cells to the area that needs attention.

However, continuous consumption of pro-inflammatory substances such as trans fats and high-glycemic carbohydrates found in processed and instant foods can lead to abnormal immune system activity. This condition is associated with chronic inflammation. Such reaction makes the body’s guardians work against its master. Chronic inflammation causes damage to tissues and organs, leading to two of the greatest killers in America, cancer and heart disease, according to Dr. Andrew Weil, an American health advisor.

Luckily, modern medicine stumbled upon nature’s great miracle workers. Potent anti-inflammatory nutrients such as omega-3 and omega-9 found in fish, tuna, olive oil, and avocado are scientifically proven to provide immediate and long-lasting relief from reddening, swelling, and aching, which are common symptoms of inflammation. The much-talked -about Oleia Cetylated Oil, also known as a wonder oil, contains natural anti-inflammatory nutrients, omega-3, omega-9 plus the more potent anti-inflammatory omega-5 or cetylated oil.

“Oleia oil contains therapeutic scents of lavender, chamomile, and grapefruit for quick-acting pain relief and holistic healing. When applied topically, Oleia Cetylated Oil easily penetrates the skin, rushes to the site of inflammation to help relieve pain, and reverse the inflammatory process straight and fast,” says Oleia Cetylated Oil formulator Angie Masilang, a respected biochemist.

Also available as soft gel (soft capsule) for oral intake, Oleia has already helped a lot of people suffering from chronic pain and inflammation such as arthritis, tendonitis, gastritis, colitis, myocarditis, bronchitis, thyroiditis, pancreatitis, prostatitis, and even psoriasis.

With a balanced diet and the right supplements, coupled with an active lifestyle, which can just involve simple activities like gardening, taking a walk, or cleaning the house, developing chronic inflammation and other diseases shouldn’t be a problem.

Visit or call 914-7064 and 0917-8825871.

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