Preventing cancer with wheatgrass

MANILA, Philippines – In his book, The Cause And Prevention Of Cancer, Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel prize winner for physiology and medicine, concluded that oxygen deprivation was a major cause of cancer and that with a steady blood supply of oxygen to all the cells, cancer could be prevented indefinitely. The downside though is that unless the causes of oxygen deprivation (such as smoking, high-fat and high-protein cooked foods, alcohol, drugs, poor breathing, and sedentary habits) are first eliminated, any attempt to oxygenate the blood will fail. To effect regeneration, renewed oxygen must be put into the blood stream. Steve Meyerowitz, who has been called Sproutman in USA, says wheatgrass is a powerful colon and liver detoxifier, a blood alkalizer and oxygenator of blood and cells. It is like “rocket fuel” giving dynamic and energizing benefits to the body. 

Special emphasis is given to chlorophyll since it helps to regenerate the liver, detoxify and invigorate the body, and energize the immune system, which is our natural means to prevent and heal illnesses. Known as the father of wheatgrass, Charles Schnabel said, “Fifteen pounds of wheatgrass are equivalent to 350 pounds (157 kg.) of the choicest vegetable. Indeed, wheatgrass is referred to as a complete food, containing a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and over 100 types of enzymes.”

Wheatgrass also has four other special components particularly valuable in the prevention of cancer — superoxide dismutase (SOD), P4D1, abscisic acid, and chlorophyll.

Findings show that cancer cells have protective coatings that make them hard for the immune system to identify, allowing cancer cells to grow and multiply uncontrollably in the body. Abscisic acid and P4D1 are compounds that eat away the protective coating of cancer cells, making them vulnerable to the immune system. P4D1 also has an antiaging effect known to rebuild damaged DNA. Both compounds can be found in wheatgrass roots. Chlorophyll is also like liquid oxygen, delivering fresh oxygen through the body, creating an oxygen-rich environment in the body. Superoxide dismutase (SOD, an anti-cancer factor), often called the antiaging enzyme, is also found in wheatgrass and has significant antioxidant activity to protect cells from damage caused by infections, inflammation, irritants, poisons, radiation, and free radicals.

Easy Pha-Max introduced wheatgrass in 2000 with volumes of testimonials from those who attested to the product’s potency and efficacy after drinking Easy Pha-Max wheatgrass. Packed in convenient sachets, Easy Pha-Max wheatgrass includes both the leaves and roots for maximum health benefits. For inquiries, call Easy Pha-Max Phils.. at 890-1111, toll free 1-800-10-890-1111, Globe 0917-861-2008. Visit

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