Support group for parents of children with special needs

MANILA, Philippines – Many parents bewail the lack of support group for parents and family members of children with special needs. Many parents have nowhere to turn for comfort and consolation as they face the challenges of raising children with special needs. While there may be a growing awareness about autism, there are still many kinds of special needs that are not as publicized or well known and as such do not have the benefit of support groups in which parents can air their hopes and fears, concerns, and experiences. Included in this category are global development delay, ADHD, mental retardation, dyslexia, and the like.

The Center for Possibilities Inc. is a foundation that has been working to improve the plight of children with special needs and address the concerns of their parents and families. One such project is a monthly support group formed to enable parents and families to share their stories and, through carefully selected resource speakers, learn to cope with their situation better and plan for the present and future prospects of children with special needs.

The group recently invited Kevin Avelino, a mentally challenged 39-year-old teacher aide as a resource speaker. Kevin inspired hope in many of the parents who attended that day, as he chronicled how he became an independent and self-sufficient adult despite his disabilities.

The next support group is scheduled on June 17 at Reach International School, 67 Paseo de Roxas, Makati from 4 to 6 p.m. They will tackle educational options for the child with special needs.

For inquiries or more information, call the Center for Possibilities at 725-5132 or 723-1242 (look for Tina or Maver).

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