RP ready for 21st-century healthcare

The Philippines is more than ready to provide world-class medical care to medical tourists.

This is the view of Sam Bernal, MD, a cancer specialist, molecular biologist, and president of Globe Tek Pro Asia. Bernal was one of the top medical experts featured in “Embracing Health and Wellness in the Heart of Asia,” Asia’s biggest medical tourism and wellness summit hosted by the Department of Tourism recently at Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila.

“That we can bring over here in the Philippines patients from Europe and other Asian countries and that they can receive medical care that is at par — or even above par—with medical care in so-called more advanced countries already speaks volumes about the high quality of healthcare available in the Philippines’ best hospitals,” declares Dr. Bernal. “The irony is that Filipinos think they can get better medical care abroad when in fact we have patients from Russia, Europe, Hong Kong, and Singapore, coming to the Philippines because they could not get cured in their home countries,.”

According to Bernal, in the 21st century, healthcare has already changed to the point where patients are more empowered to seek out the type of treatments best suited for them — even if it means going abroad to get it.

He adds, “The old situation where the doctor or physician was the last word, the sole authority in dictating the kind of medical treatment a patient should get, is no longer applicable. With the Internet providing access to information, patients are empowered to seek treatment wherever in the world.”

Today, Bernal is bringing Globe Tek Pro Asia patients to the Philippines to receive treatment through regenerative medicine, in partnership with the Philippines’ top medical facilities.

Visit www.philippinehealthandwellnesstourism.com.

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