Survival guide for doctors (and non-doctors, too)

A  few weeks ago, we launched a book called Survival Guide for Doctors (And Non-doctors, Too): To Stay or Go Abroad. The book aims to lessen the brain drain of doctors and health workers by giving them practical tips and insider’s information on how to “survive” practicing in the Philippines.

I’d also like to thank Dr. Charles Yu, incoming president of the Philippine College of Physicians and my teacher at De La Salle-College of Medicine in Cavite, for inviting me to be the commencement speaker in our school’s graduation ceremony at the PICC. My mentor, Dr. Romeo P. Ariniego of DLSU, has also been like a father to me. Congratulations to all the graduates of the DLSU Health Sciences in the Colleges of Medicine, Nursing and Midwifery, Physical Therapy, and Medical Radiation Technology. I am honored to be part of the DLSU family.

To all our young graduates, I’d like to share the following excerpts from the survival guide book:

With God, All Things are Possible

For those who feel lost and confused, let me share the unique path I’ve found effective in my life. First, try reading inspirational books. For me, the greatest help I’ve had is in reading inspirational books. Foremost are the books of Norman Vincent Peale, widely known for his message of positive thinking. Since 2001, I have been reading his books daily, around two to three pages per day in the morning, and this has helped me start the day right. Another book I keep coming back to is the classic With God All Things Are Possible, so simple yet so profound.

When I was with Couples For Christ from 1996-2002, I read the new student’s edition of the Bible from cover to cover. It took me three years of continuously reading a few chapters per day, but I never regretted it. Reading the whole book made me realize how deep is its single message, told through hundreds of biblical stories. The message is God loves you. He is in control and if you trust Him, He will point you in the right direction. The message of these inspirational books is that God sometimes lets us experience failures and hardships so that we can become stronger. Otherwise, if we or our country had no problems, then we would be a lame people.

Second, the secret of success is in truly helping others. The Bible says that we should help the lowly and the poor. For in giving, we shall receive. Jesus says that those who want to be the first will be last, and that those who agree to be last will become the first. These are spiritual truths I have found to be effective and practical.

For example, some people wonder why I am wasting my time teaching students and young doctors who have no clout or influence to return the favor in the future. Some can’t understand why we are still helping poor patients in our charitable work since 1991, with no visible returns whatsoever.

My answer is simple: It’s in the Bible. It’s a spiritual truth. And I have complete faith in it. Help those who can’t help you back. Keep on helping with no thought of being reciprocated and God will grant you so much blessings that your cup will overflow.         

If your life doesn’t work, find out what’s wrong. Again, I’d like to say that every person’s destiny is different. If you feel that something in your life is still missing, or that you can’t earn enough, then I will just repeat the biblical techniques I have found to be effective. Code name: GNP.

• Give. The greatest rule for networking is to give and give first. Give your time, effort or even resources, if you can. Give with no thought of receiving. And one day soon, it will come back slowly. The degree by which we receive is proportional to the degree we have given.

• Niche. Find your niche. What is your God-given talent? What were you meant to do in this world? Search for it until you find it.

• Persist. As long as your goal is noble and reachable, persist in your dreams. I remember the old story of a miner who dug for gold for several months and then gave up. Geologists later found that had the miner persisted one more day, he would have struck gold just a few feet from where he stopped digging.

• Pray. You need to rely heavily on faith. Pray for God’s help. Put some space in your plans to allow God to intervene and help you.

And if you do all this and still your life doesn’t work out, there are three possible reasons why you’re failing still. God has three ways to answer you: 1) Yes, God grants you your wish. 2) No, God thinks what you’re asking for is not best for you, or 3) Wait awhile for something better. If the doors of opportunity are closed, then just wait. But keep on working and persisting in your work. Keep on improving yourself and getting ready for the time that God will use you. And when God opens a door, put everything you have into it for it will surely bear fruit.

So start reading inspirational books. Keep on doing good. Keep on believing. Keep on persisting. God’s peace, love, and comfort are much nearer than you think.

Lastly, I can only echo the words of the late Dr. Antonio Samia, “I believe that God has a plan, a mission, if you will, for every one of us. By the grace of God, one could discern what that mission is, and it is one’s duty to follow the right path toward that goal.”

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MIND Convention at Wellcome Plaza

We’d like to invite all doctors and health workers to attend the 5th MIND Convention on Saturday, May 17, 1 to 5 p.m. at the 4th floor the Wellcome Plaza (formerly Masagana Mall) on Taft Avenue, Pasay City. There will be free lectures and free merienda. My good friend Dr. Enrico Banzuela will talk on study techniques for students, and I’ll be talking about career and life planning tips. Text 0915-742-3462 if you would like to attend. Check our blog at for details.

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