Hans Montenegro & Marilen Faustino: In fitness and in health

Can love really change someone? A local glossy just debated about that and asked couples with opposing views to defend their claims. 

Logic dictates that a couple must get along pretty well if they share the same lifestyle – they go for the same food, and the same sports, and share the same values. But they also say opposites attract.  

In this month of hearts, we decided to feature a couple who are very much in love with each other and share a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. It is clear that they draw strength and support from each other. With a healthy lifestyle as an anchor to their relationship, I pray that they safely sail through the rough waters that may challenge their relationship to emerge victorious in raising a healthy family. 

If we really think about it, the quality of our lives and our relationships is affected by our health. If we are healthy and full of energy, then we can give more of ourselves.  We are more happy and balanced. We are at peace.   

The story of this lovely couple – model Marilen Faustino and model-cum-TV personality Hans Montenegro – inspires other couples to transform their sedentary life of being deconditioned into a quality life of well-being.  

The Philippine Star: What is your favorite body part?

Marilen Faustino:
My legs. They are long and lean. My muscles are defined.

Hans Montenegro:
Shoulders. They carry my shirt and what I wear pretty well. Ironically, when I work out, doon ako nahihirapan (I find that the hardest). That’s why in the last eight months, I concentrated on working out my shoulders. 

How often do you work out?

At the least three times a week, but I try to work out five times a week when I am not too busy. 

What is your favorite exercise?

Any exercise that gets my heart rate up. I like cardio exercises. I like sweating. I join the spinning classes and the group exercise classes.

For my weight training, I like chin-ups, pull-ups. I am concerned with being able to lift my own body weight. When it comes to cardio, my favorite exercise is anything that has to do with boxing, whether it is the speed ball, the padding or the heavy bag. 

What is your diet like?

I try to stay away from refined carbohydrates, junk food, cake, and ice cream. But a little won’t hurt. I do not eat chicken, beef or pork. I stick to vegetables and seafood.

I used to be on a see-food diet, which means that when I see food, I eat it. But since I met Marilen, it has become a real seafood diet. I have gone off beef, chicken, pork, and lamb as well. Sinasabayan ko na siya (We follow her diet). She is a very good influence. But once in a while, if I have to have carbs, I take them during the day, so that I can still burn them. Marilen and I both have a sweet tooth so I think the agreement is that if we are going to have dessert, we do have it together. 

So we can just share a small serving.

Sometimes you just need a little sugar, but it doesn’t mean you have to finish the whole piece of dessert.

And you have to work out the next day!

We try to control. We become each other’s conscience. 

Were you into sports at a young age?

We were both in the varsity volleyball teams of our schools, both in high school and college. We play tennis and badminton. I would like to say that I am very athletic. I still try to look for an activity to do.

I have been playing volleyball since I was 10 and badminton since I was 13. I would like to think I was good. But because I suffered a knee injury, I switched from badminton to tennis. And now, I box and swim. I used to play a lot of soccer when I was in high school and college, too. We decided to play a sport together that we can both do well. If you are a couple, it is difficult when one outshines the other or one partner doesn’t really have the skill for the sport. We found a middle ground. I am back to playing tennis and Marilen is learning and playing the sport. 

Are you proud of your current lifestyle?

Yes, I am because I can say that I really find time out of my busy schedule to sneak in a workout.  Sometimes, I am so busy that I can only work out twice a week at the least. But I really try to get some activity. As a couple, we play tennis together or friends invite us to a volleyball game. Right now, we are going to take up boxing. We don’t smoke. We really try to live a very healthy lifestyle.

I am the one that usually drinks more. But since the turn of the year, I have decided to try to cut it down. Not cut it out. I can’t be a hypocrite. In parties, we drink in moderation, but you will not catch us smoking. Eating in parties, we normally just share food in one plate.

The good thing is that we normally like the same food … cheese, seafood. We have the same taste and the same type in food. We just share. We always try to have healthy meals. 

Is there anyone in your family with the same lifestyle?

My parents are still very active and they both go to the gym. My father used to play basketball. He used to play tennis. My mom bikes a lot. And she’s very fit for her age. She works out regularly. My sisters work out also.

My mom is very conscientious with what she eats.  She makes sure to exercise. My brother is the one who is very religious. He eats tuna. He drinks protein shakes.  He goes to the gym three to four times a week. Although my brother is not off meat like I am, he can be more conscientious than me. 

What is an ideal gym like for you?

A gym that has good programs, good machines, good instructors, and quality classes you can attend.  There should be different levels of weight training and muscle fitness. There are some gyms that I have been to where the weights are just too big the girls can’t even use them. So, that’s what I look for. Aside from that, maybe one that’s complete with a pool, sauna, steam bath, a boxing ring. There should be some variety so you don’t get tired of doing one thing.

An ideal gym is one with a large variety of cardio, strength, and free weights.  The machines are good to make sure that your form is proper. But if you are already fine with your form, then free weights is the way to go. Of course, since I am into boxing, a gym with a full ring and boxing paraphernalia is a plus.  A swimming pool is ideal because it is really the safest and most complete workout you can do. I do a lot of swimming. It is low-impact. And you work out all your muscles. I do not know of anybody who pulled or strained a muscle or busted a joint because of swimming. I do not care so much about the steam and sauna. To me, that is not very important.   

How do you relax?

There are days when I am really tired so I stay home and get some extra sleep. I go out of town, go to the beach. I really like the beach, it’s a great way to unwind for me. How often? Maybe once every four months. There are other ways.  When I really need to, I go for a massage.  I go to the spa and have something done to pamper myself.

Pretty much the same. Now, I look for a spa. Not so much the sauna, I get a massage. Sometimes curling up on the couch with a good DVD or curling up in bed with a good book is relaxing. Marilen just bought me a dog. So now, I play with my dog, clean up his mess, give him a bath. We were recently in Boracay, I wouldn’t really say it was unwinding. We woke up at 8:30 a.m. to work out on the beach. I would swim or jog while Marilen would do ab exercises. We did not go out at night – that’s unheard of in Boracay. 

We were there just to relax. 

Any last tips to those who would like to adopt an active lifestyle?

Get it started. And once you start, try to go as regularly as you can. Because once you stop, it is really hard to get back on track. Don’t think about all the excuses. Just go and enroll in a gym. You will be surprised because you will really like it. You will feel better. Your body will start to become stronger. You will feel good inside out. 

More than anything, it is really a commitment. We live in a world were there are lots of distractions. There is work, barkada (peer group), family commitments, what-have-you. I am not saying you forsake everything else for a workout, but definitely, learn to set aside time for yourself, when you can zone out and just work on yourself. You need that. It is really a commitment. When you are off to the gym and suddenly a friend invites you to a happy hour, stand your ground and stay your course. 
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Post me a note at mylene@goldsgym.com.ph

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