
Phoemela Baranda, only in her 20s, is a veteran model, having started modeling at 13.  If her face looks familiar even before she became a mainstay on TV, that’s because she’s graced countless commercials, print ads, and billboards.   

She was a much sought-after model in Vietnam, China, Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore long before she became popular here in the Philippines. One of her best is a commercial for a Chinese product marketed in Italy.

Her lovely face, spotless skin and sexy body are, indeed, a winning combination for a product endorser. She is also a favorite cover girl of popular magazines such as the Philippine edition of Cosmopolitan, Cosmo Bride, Preview, and Health Today.  Last year, she made FHM sizzle with her Boracay photo spread. 

Those countless endorsements allowed her to earn more than enough at 18 to purchase a three-bedroom condominium in Mandaluyong as well as host her own lavish debut. Despite all her achievements, she still pursued and finished her studies at St. Benilde’s College. 

There is no doubt that her success can also be attributed to her confidence to take on new challenges. After a successful modeling stint, Phem shifted to hosting on television.  Comfortable, vibrant, and witty, she is now a mainstay entertainment news anchor of The Buzz and TV Patrol.

A legend in her own right as a model, this leggy 34-24-34 charmer is dishing out showbiz buzz beautifully.

Philippine STAR: Were you ever bothered by weight problems?

Phoemela Baranda:
I’ve never had a weight problem. I have always been thin since I was a kid. My problem was more on trimming my waist and getting some curves. 

What did you do to get the curves? 

Maybe you can just ask my personal trainer James de Leon. He said that I have naturally broad shoulders and wide hips, so it is easy to achieve an hourglass figure by just keeping my waist slim. 

Do you have your genes to thank for being slim?  Or is this a consequence of being active as a child?

I didn’t even know how to bike when I was a kid. I guess I have my dad’s side to thank for my being lean. 

How would you describe your eating preference when you were young? Did you dislike vegetables and fish? Were you into chips, chocolates, and soda?

I remember eating spaghetti as is, without the red sauce. I am a bit choosy about food, but I like eating homecooked food. I was never fond of chips and soda as a child. As for chocolates, I only like the dark ones.    

What is your best body part?

Most of the photographers I’ve worked with say that I have nice legs. I take that as a compliment. 

What is your favorite exercise?

I am more into cardio exercise and my favorite is the cross-training on the elliptical. My trainer told me to go on the highest ramp and go backwards at a certain speed. I do that for at least 30 minutes. I am also into yoga.

How frequent do you exercise?

Twice weekly, at least. (Her trainer James said that she starts with a 30-minute warm-up.  Then they do upper body exercises first as her legs are still tired from the cardio. Focus on the lower back, midsection, back, chest, shoulders, and arms. She does two sets of 15 to 20 reps with a 30-second rest in between. She also uses the resistance machines or does mat exercises for hips, outer and inner thighs, and buttocks. She also goes on the leg press, leg curl, and leg extension. When there is extra time, she works on her calves and does more abs exercises before cooling down and stretching.) 

How do you compensate for lost exercise days when you really don’t have time to go to the gym? 

James taught me a lot of exercises I can do at home or in my hotel room when I travel. These are basically exercises I can do using my body weight such as body squats, lunges, bench dip wide for back, lower back extensions, and pelvic tilts. 

What is your current diet?

I do not follow any diet. I love steak! I love peanut butter and jelly in the morning and iced tea! Then I go to work.  It’s usually at dinner that I indulge.

It is amazing that you’ve stayed sexy despite the fact that you indulge at night when most experts would advice the opposite. What do you think maintains the balance?  Do you avoid carbohydrates?

I can only eat properly at night so that is really my heaviest meal. I guess I am just lucky to be this way.  It must be in the genes. Although my call time is at 4 p.m., a lot of preparation is needed before that. I am so busy that I do not eat properly or on time. But I do not avoid anything. I eat rice and bread.   

Do you crave or indulge in anything else aside from steak and peanut butter? 

I also like desserts. 

Do you take vitamins?

I take multivitamins and vitamin E every day. 

Are you into any sports? 

When I was a kid, I wasn’t very sporty, but now, I am into adventure sports. 

How would you define your current lifestyle?

When I was still modeling, my lifestyle was totally different. I worked until late and partied after. But now that my schedule is more hectic and my work as entertainment news anchor for Patrol is more demanding, being physically fit is important. And not just that, I have to be mentally fit, too. Live reporting is totally nerve-racking, but the adrenaline rush that I feel doing it is totally different. I do enjoy it. 

Your work must be stressful.  How do you manage stress?

I work out! 

As an entertainment news anchor, do you believe Matthew McConaughey should really be this year’s Sexiest Man Alive? 

I like Angelina Jolie. There is no actor I can single out that I find really sexy.  I find Angelina Jolie sexy.

You were named one of the sexiest women in the country by Cosmopolitan magazine. Aside from yourself, name three local celebrities or models you find really sexy.

Isabel Roces has a nice body. 

Do you have a New Year’s resolution for 2006? Did you get to achieve your 2005 resolution? 

Although they say I can get away without working out regularly, I still want to find more time to work out, not only to firm up and maintain my figure but also to help me manage stress.

I wanted to ask her as a final question: "Which is emotionally and psychologically harder – reporting controversies or being involved in one? How do you handle the situation?"

But Phem had to run already to do the entertainment news. 

Always calm, charming, and composed, I am sure she could handle both quite well.
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