A few good men in ‘Me’

It’s not easy looking for men whose qualities can answer to a woman’s need for someone to grow old with. We’re not just talking about physical attributes such as being "tall, dark and handsome" – in this day and age, one can actually buy physical beauty, provided you have the money and time for it.

Just like a famous quote that goes, "People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within," men with "true beauty" are rare.

In the February 2004 issue of Me magazine, however, there are 10 men whose passion and dedication to their chosen fields make them worthy to be called men of inspiration.

A successful restaurateur, Rikki Dee of Mangan, Kitchen, Osake and Kai knows how to work hard – and still live a happy life. While he makes sure that his business is thriving, he also finds time to be a husband and father to his family. According to him, "I work really hard but I know how to enjoy every bit of it. I’ve definitely learned to enjoy moments with my family!"

For singer-actor Robert Seña, faith in God has always been his priority. A good husband to singer-actress Isay Alvarez and also a good dad to his kids, Robert strives to be the kind of man whom his kids can look up to, emulate and be proud of.

As owner of Leap School for Young Children and co-owner of Link Center for the Deaf, Raffy Reloza is truly exceptional. Being a teacher in a world dominated mostly by females, he says he is not taken aback by his situation. He says, "Teaching is one of the most rewarding professions. It’s hard to explain but when you genuinely give to somebody and offer your services to a particular cause, the rewards are intrinsic."

Dr. Francisco Vicente F. Lopez, a hematologist, oncologist and expert in bone marrow transplantation at the Asian Hospital and Medical Center, sees himself not just as a professional but as an instrument in making people feel better. His family and his Jesuit education instilled in him the importance of prayer and service from which he gathers the strength to face life’s challenges.

For someone who held high positions both in the private and public sectors, nothing is more important than putting family first. That is why former Finance Secretary Luis "Lito" Camacho is glad to be working again for the private sector, which gives him more time to be with his family.

Twenty-eight-year-old Kidlat de Guia uses his skills as a filmmaker. But unlike others in his field, Kidlat sees more than superficial happenings, which he in turn makes use of to show others that there is a lot to be learned from even the simplest of things.

With his passion for the environment, architect Joven Ignacio makes sure his innate love for nature is evident in the houses he builds and in his paintings. A professor at the University of the Philippines, he shares this passion with his students by going on long drives with them to nature-bounty places where he finds relaxation.

BJ Manalo Jr. regards his knack for playing basketball as a God-given talent. Even as young boy growing up, he was fond of basketball. Now, more than ever, he is dedicated to honing his skills and even better, to using it to make himself God’s instrument. According to him, "I don’t see myself as a basketball player, I see myself as a servant of God."

Basketball enthusiasts know that one of the best point guards in the league today is Jimmy Alapag of Talk n’ Text. Dubbed PBA’s Mighty Mouse, the 5’9"-tall Jimmy doesn’t let his being a bit shorter than his colleagues dampen his fighting spirit. For him, what’s more important is making full use of one’s strengths than being discouraged by weaknesses. This positive outlook is brought about by a supportive family from whom he draws strength.

And on the cover of this issue is also one inspiring man whose passion for and dedication to his craft, coupled with his newfound family devotion, make him one man to reckon with. Showbiz heartthrob Aga Muhlach shares insights and revelations on how he intends to build a better life not just for himself and his family, but for everyone else as well.

Know more about these men of inspiration in the latest issue of Me magazine. Me, published by Mega Magazines & Publications, Inc. (MMPI), is now available in all leading bookstores and newsstands nationwide. For more information and subscription inquiries, call 631-2859.

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