Caring for the sole

Actually, to be frank with you, I want to quit. No more touching of feet," Desmond Sim, Singapore’s No. 1 reflexologist says, as my right foot rests on his hand while he deftly feels my big toe.

Desmond was a recent visitor in Manila where he held a three-day healing demonstration, in preparation for a return engagement in September when he will be conducting two half-day seminars which will include diagnosis and initial treatment.

"In order to continue treatment and therapy for those who have been diagnosed, Harmony Therapy Center will be established in McKinley Arcade at the Greenhills Shopping Center in San Juan," says Jamby Madrigal, the moving spirit behind the Center.

Jamby personally experienced the Sim natural healing method in Singapore where she met Desmond. A former actor and the local TV’s hottest property, Desmond had won annual popularity polls and garnered numerous cover stories not only in Singapore but also in Hong Kong. But unknown to his fans, Desmond had various other interests including real estate as well as reflexology and natural healing.

Together with his brothers, Desmond established the Cypress Therapy Centre way back 1982. While the Foot Reflexology Health Method (FRHM) is a natural therapy that has been practiced since ancient times, the Cypress FRHM combines ancient and modern research practices, as well as traditional Chinese and Western medical formulas in foot reflexology. Their methods have been tested, examined and analyzed by modern instruments, and have been proven safe and effective.

"This natural therapy is recognized and recommended by the World Health Organization," Desmond claims.

After pursuing further studies in the field, the Sim brothers graduated from China’s Xia-Men University in Chinese Internal Medical Practice, and Traditional Chinese Medical Practice. Using the Natural Therapy Cypress-Foot Reflexology Health Method, they successfully cured their mother who was suffering from nose cancer and other illnesses. "Because of reflexology, I have a mother," Desmond says. However, he shies away from the title "healer." "Jesus is the only healer," says Desmond, who became Christian just two years ago. "I am not a healer. I am here to promote reflexology as a natural therapy which belongs to all mankind."

Jamby has herself been cured of certain health problems since visiting Desmond regularly at his center in Singapore. "I did not want to go the allopathic way," she relates. "I was cured through reflexology. I believe that in the long run, it has given me better health. It has also helped me lose weight." She thought of her many friends back home who could benefit from Desmond’s expertise so she decided to invite him to the Philippines to share his healing method. It took almost half a year before he agreed.

"A few months ago, I wanted a complete stop," Desmond relates, "but I cannot. It took me six months to struggle whether to be here or not. Of course, I respect them very much," he says, referring to Jamby and Eric Valade, her French associate at the Harmony Therapy Center. "I respect them because of their aim to develop reflexology and help people, especially the poor in the Philippines."

Jamby has started a reflexology training program for livelihood generation. "The program is a year old," Jamby says, "and we already have 1,700 reflexologists."

This is education for livelihood. We have a high unemployment rate, and by graduating these people, they can work in other people’s houses. They don’t have to be employed by anyone. Once they find their clients, they can make a minimum of P300 to P1,000 a day, which is higher than the minimum wage. We have TESDA-approved trainers, and our program is TESDA-approved. Part of the proceeds of the center will go to subsidize this program."

The center is not a spa. "It is a clinic cloaked in an ambience of relaxation. It will smell good. We will have a very good air purifier, with negative ions in the air," Jamby explains. "You get out of work, you go there, not only to get healed, but also to de-stress, because we will provide a very peaceful atmosphere. At P600 to P700 per 40- minute session, the cost is not prohibitive. You can spend as much when you go to the gym or the beauty parlor. At least here, your organs get the attention. As Desmond always says, ‘Your organs need exercise too.’ Through reflexology, you are able to stimulate the organs to regenerate themselves. He says, ‘I don’t heal you, you heal yourself.’"

"Reflexology will help your body cure itself," Eric explains. "Why do you develop cancer cells? Because your body is not healthy anymore and your body does not recognized the bad cells. Reflexology will just put your body back to its original condition and restore the energy flow and circulation."

Reflexologists believe the feet "mirror" the body where a chart can be superimposed to correspond to the different organs of the body. "All the organs in your body have a terminal nerve in your feet," Eric elaborates. "They are also found in the hands and even the ears, but they are too small and very hard to work on. The best way is to work on the feet. It’s better and easier to really get to the point. Reflexology involves a system of massage through reflex points on the feet, hands and head. It relieves tension and in certain cases, even treats illnesses."

News about Desmond’s sessions in Manila quickly spread by word-of-mouth and the response was more than encouraging. "It was not only overwhelming, we were overbooked," Jamby reports. The testimonials overflowed as well. "He told me about the cyst in my uterus," a woman who requested anonymity remarks. "I was so impressed because he even told me the exact size of the cyst!"

Patricia Borromeo says, "He was able to diagnose what I had. He said that there was something wrong with my lymph nodes and he said that I have cancer. He just said not to do chemo(therapy), that it’s (cyst) going to disappear on its own."

Lito Banayo observes, "It’s amazing how Dr. Sim was able to tell me what my health problems are, by just pressing my foot. And they’re exactly what my medical tests say."

Imelda Cojuangco declares, "I feel better. I had difficulty drinking water but when Mr. Sim handed me a glass of water after the session, I was able to drink."

Vicki Belo relates, "He was doing it all there (pointing to her foot) but I can really feel it here (massaging her neck). I feel the flow of energy. I feel light and energized in a light sort of way."

So how did my session end? "You’re quite fit," Desmond says. "I don’t see any sickness, but the reflection of the wind part here show the breathing is not smooth enough, especially when you don’t have enough sleep."

I was just recovering from jetlag, but how could he have guessed?

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