
Q1. What anti-arthritic drug is the best? Why don’t you recommend it to us so that we can save from consultation fees.

Different types of arthritis have different types of treatment. Besides, there are many factors to consider in prescribing medicines. We may eat the same type of rice, but we think, act and work differently. The same drug and dose for the same type of arthritis may have a different outcome. Drug X may be effective for patient A but may have deleterious effect on patient B. Remember, not all patients are equal and not all drugs are equal, too.

Q2. My friend and I took the same medicine for arthritis. His arthritis was cured but mine still exists. What could be wrong?

You may have a different type of arthritis and the severity may not be the same. Your lifestyle, occupation, concomitant drug intakes, medical problems and build may be different. Therefore, you should not take the medicine that is not intended for you. Consult your doctor instead.

Q3. How many pillows shall I use when I sleep to minimize neck pain?

If a patient is suffering from heart failure or chronic lung disease, they usually prefer several pillows and assume high backrest. Otherwise they can not breathe. When it comes to the prevention of neck pain, there are no specific recommendations on how many pillows a patient should use to minimize stiff neck and the like. It depends on your own preference. But in general, distortion of the normal neck curvature may trigger muscle spasm and may cause pain. The more pillows you use, the more you alter the natural curvature of your neck and you will experience more pain. One firm pillow is just good enough.

Do not watch TV or read papers lying. Do not sleep on a sofa with your head on the armrest.

Dr. Perry P. Tan is a rheumatologist, founder and head of the Rayuma Kliniks of Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center (JRRMMC) and Ospital ng Maynila and consultant at St. Luke’s Medical Center.

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