Arthritis Q&A

Q1. If I have arthritis, can I ask somebody to give me a therapeutic massage? Will that be good for me?

If your joint is inflamed, that means it is warm, red and tender. By all means, do not let anybody massage it. If in case, your joint is not inflamed, but your muscles and tendons are sore and tired, you may ask somebody to give you a series of tender loving soft massage. Let me emphasize, it should be soft massage, not "hilot" or heavy manipulation. Some patients who undergo hard massage develop hematomas all over (blacks and blues due to soft tissue bleeding). Another consequence that may happen, particularly the neck area, is that serious injury such as fracture of the cervical spine may happen; since patient with arthritis involving the neck likewise develops osteoporosis due to prolonged misuse. So, never ask your barber to massage your neck.

Q2. Is it true that you can diagnose arthritis by looking at one's eye?

The diagnosis of arthritis depends on the history of medical illness. We take into consideration the age, sex, occupation, pattern of joint involvement, circumstances prior the occurrence and the presence of extra articular manifestations (involvement of other visceral organ). Some arthritides have concomitant eye problems; it is part and parcel of the disease itself. Oftentimes it occurs late, thus we do not rely on eye findings to make our diagnosis. We examine the eyes to know whether there are complications. The joints and extremities are most accessible to examination. In patient with arthritis, the joints are directly involved; therefore we don't have to peep into the eyes to know the joint condition.

Q3. I am bow-legged. I can feel some cracking sensation on my knees, is that arthritis?

Yes, you are having osteoarthritis. The above-mentioned are signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis. The cracking sounds suggest damaged cartilage. Reduce your body weight effective immediately, if you are obese. Conserve your joint and consult your doctor.

Dr. Perry P. Tan is a rheumatologist, founder and head of the Rayuma Klinik of Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center (JRRMMC) and consultant at St. Luke's Medical Center.

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