Lowbatt? Charge your phone by yelling at it

Apple iPhone Charging via USB hub. Photo by Intel Free Press/ CC BY-SA

MANILA, Philippines - Despite the latest inventions such as power banks to keep your mobile phone’s battery always on the go, the reality is, the battery gets drained as soon as you open your phone.

It may seem senseless for now, but shouting at your mobile phone in frustration of its drained battery may be of benefit soon. Researchers at the Queen Mary University in London  have found a way to make those yelling useful. According to their latest research, sounds such as screams at the football arena, chants at a basketball league, and even a simple chatter at the office could charge up your mobile phone.

Developing the research to the next level, the researchers, together with Nokia have devised a way to charge your mobile phone using the environment around it by using a gadget that translates sound waves from speech into five volts of energy, which is enough for your mobile phone. Their prototype device, which is about the size of a mobile phone, uses zinc oxide, an element which produces electricity in the form of nanorods when subjected to mechanical stress.

The nanorods respond to vibration and movement created by everyday sound, such as our voices.  The energy converted could to be harvested using electrical contacts on both sides of the device. Moreover, the energy could be harvested anywhere because it can be coated in different surfaces. Moreover, stretching and squashing the surface would make nanorods generate even a higher voltage. The movement can improve efficiency by up to 40 percent.

The final device is the same size as a Nokia Lumia 925. Meanwhile, the researchers hope that the technology they have brought will be closer to viability.

Watch this video about harnessing energy from sound:


Source: Queen Mary University of London

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