A Sony Xperia Ion experience

If looks could kill, then the Sony Xperia Ion could be the death of many smartphone lovers. Indeed, the Sony Xperia Ion was recently awarded the Red Dot Award for Product Design.

The phone’s good looks begin with its 4.6-inch HD display that provides a visually wow viewing experience. The Xperia Ion features fast capture on its 12-megapixel-rear camera — it goes from sleep to snap in a little over a second with a single key press. This makes it just great for situations that require quick photos for posting on Instagram.

Another thing going for the Xperia Ion is that photos can then be easily and wirelessly shared on any screen — TV, laptop or tablet, with just one touch using DLNA connectivity. Additionally, both rear- and front-facing cameras deliver HD recording capabilities.

“Xperia Ion combines superb technology and design to deliver a topnotch mobile entertainment experience. It’s suited for mobile phone users who want top-of-the-line features in their handsets,” said Patrick Larraga, head of mobile business for Sony Philippines, at the launch of the Ion recently.

Inside, the Xperia Ion is equipped with the Android 2.3.7 OS. This Gingerbread smartphone has a prettier and more visually uniform skin. The app drawer located at the bottom of the screen zips up and floats above the wallpaper. When this happens, the pre-loaded applications arranged in transparent cards shift from left and right. This makes looking for the app you need fun.

Of course, not to be missed is the 16GB internal storage — that’s a lot of space for all the stuff one would like to store in this baby.

Connection Matters

If there is one thing that has made the user experience on all the emerging smartphones interesting, it is the speed of connection. Surely the days of texting over the telcos are moving to the prehistoric times.

Take the recent habagat experience, which is one where Twitter and Facebook took centerstage and stressed the utility and importance of having online access.

I was kept abreast of so many developments because of Twitter. The tweets allowed Pinoys to stay connected with so many people — whether they knew them or not. Matter of fact, even on the local radio stations, the anchors relied on Twitter accounts for quicker updates.

The Xperia Ion, which I used in a Wi-Fi spot also on the data plan, made connecting to social media a breeze. Uploading photos on Facebook was easy. The ease with which one can do this makes me give the Xperia Ion a high rating.

Lastly, let me say that I did use the Xperia Ion for making calls, too. The voices on the other end were clear, distinctive, and quite noise-free. I was also glad that while on the Sony Xperia Ion, I didn’t drop any calls because of great signal strength. 

The Sony Xperia Ion provides smartphone junkies a good experience to explore — and so much more.

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