Only heaven nose

MANILA, Philippines - Can you guess which cosmetic surgery procedure is most com-monly performed at the Belo Medical Group?

If you answered nose jobs, congratulations you have a high beauty IQ!

The nose occupies the very center of the face and can detract from a person’s other attractive features like the eyes and lips. The best nose is one that is not too big or too small; the less attention it gets, the better.

Belo Medical Group statistics reveal that 70 percent of rhinoplasty (medical term for nose jobs) procedures are performed on women and 30 percent are done on men. Since the facial bones are fully matured and stable by the age of 16, the typical age range of persons undergoing rhinoplasties is from 16 to 60 years old.

People resort to rhinoplasty not just to get a new nose or alter its shape and contour, but to change the appearance of the face. Apart from balancing facial features, a new nose can make a difference in a person’s self-esteem.

Many parents gift their children with a brand new nose upon graduating from high school. They take advantage of the long summer break and the fact that their child is going to a new college with “new friends” which will make the change “not halata.”

It’s ironic that although many foreigners find the typical Filipino nose quite attractive, we often don’t like it.

Cosmetic surgery guidelines to an ideal nose

These are the guidelines that most of the cosmetic surgeons follow.

The nasal bridge should begin where the lashes on the upper lid start when the eyes are open. The face should be divided into thirds, with the nose occupying the center of the middle third of the face.

A certain flare: Female patient had pug nose with no bridge and very round tip, which was turned into a finer tip with bridge.

While Caucasian noses tend to have a sharp tip, Asian noses have a slightly rounded tip in order to be more harmonious with the rest of their features. Dr. Ed Yap, the Belo Medical Group’s ENT specialist, explains his technique. 

He usually removes some fat from the tip of the nose and harvests cartilage from the ear to lift and narrow the tip. If the “holes” of the nose are too wide, then Dr. Yap performs an alar trim where the walls of the “cave” are brought in to make the nostrils narrower.

The nostrils should be “pear shaped” and symmetrical and most importantly, the sutures should be hidden inside the nose to avoid any obvious scarring. The ultimate goal is to get a proportioned nose or a natural-looking outcome, with the new nose not drawing a lot of attention to the face.

Ideal Implants

A new implant called “Gore-tex” is currently used as the “gold standard.” It was initially used in the ‘70s as a vascular graft.

Gore-tex is preferred because there is no record of any rejection of this implant. It adheres well to the underlying bone becoming “fixed.” It looks and feels natural and is perfect for sports lovers because even if the new nose gets hit by a volleyball or basketball, the implant won’t be dislodged. Gore-tex is double the price of a silicone implant because it will last a lifetime with little or no problems at all.

Silicone solid implants have been used for more than 50 years in rhinoplasties. There are two ways to use silicone implants. Some surgeons get a preformed implant and just insert it under the skin. This is the easiest way to do it, though not the best way because it looks fake and is not stable.

The Belo surgeons are meticulous artists who carve the nose implant at bedside, ensuring the nose looks natural and is in harmony with the patient’s features. This way, people keep commenting that you look better although they cannot figure out why.

 Our surgeons gently insert the implant in a space between the lining of the bone and the bone itself to make sure the implant is “fixed.”   

Surgical time averages one and a half hours. Downtime because of bruising and swelling varies from one to two weeks.

Do’s and don’ts after a nose job

• Two weeks before the procedure, avoid taking aspirin, vitamin E and wine because they slow down clotting and increase bruising.

• One day before surgery, begin the antibiotics prescribed by your surgeon.

• After the procedure, take a week off away from work or school until the bruising and swelling have settled.

• Drink at least four glasses of fresh pineapple juice because it has bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme.

• Apply cold compress for at least 15 minutes every three to four hours.

• Sleep with your head raised on at least three pillows to decrease the swelling.

• Stay away from places that are full of dust or smoke.

• Refrain from engaging in strenuous physical activities, swimming or engaging in contact sports like volleyball for one month.

Most patients who underwent nose jobs are extremely happy with the result because more than the aesthetic benefit to enhance their physical appearance, they regain their self-confidence and realize their self-worth.

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For inquiries, call the Belo hiotline at 819-BELO (2356), email or visit the website at

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