What’s on the Menu?: Pay-what-you-want coffee at Recession Coffee

Where gadgets and coffee mix: Iced latte at Recession Coffee

MANILA, Philippines - Digital Walker recently opened its new concept store at Eastwood Mall: Recession Coffee. Recession Coffee is  a pay-what-you-want café. Take a pick from the list of espressos, like Dark Matter Theory beans, with a well-rounded roasted flavor. Other brews include Panama Carmen Estate, Ethiopia Sidamo Guji Suke Quto, and Kenya Wakulima. Pair a cup with confectionery offerings by chef Miko Aspiras of Scout’s Honor. Choices include Honey Ombre cake, Lechones (lechon scones), or the popular #LoveWins rainbow cake.   Recession’s Pay-What-You-Want allows customers to pay as much as they want for a cup. If you give an amount greater than P200, you will receive a marriage proposal from the team. If a P50 contribution is made, you may be mistaken for someone in between jobs.  

Recession Coffee by Digital Walker is open from  11 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the 3rd floor of Eastwood Mall, 1880 Eastwood Building, Eastwood Ave., Eastwood City, QC.

For information, follow on Instagram and Twitter @digitalkwalkerph, or like it on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/digitalwalkerstore and track Digital Walker and Recession Coffee with hashtags #digitalwalker and #recessioncoffee.

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Spiced Chicken ‘n’ Mojos at Shakey’s

Shakey’s introduces its Spiced Chicken ‘n’ Mojos.

The Spiced Chicken ‘n’ Mojos dish is seasoned with a  measured spice to enhance its existing flavors. A secret blend of pepper and spices only adds a twist to the twosome.   

For information, like Shakey’s Pizza on Facebook and follow @shakeysph on Instagram.

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