Juicy advice from Stephanie Zubiri

MANILA, Philippines -“I don’t like sugar so juicing came naturally to me. Commercial products are laden with sugar so I make juices myself. Fruits, especially those that I like, are quite expensive. I go for Fuji apples, oranges and carrots. I do juicing daily each morning. I suggest you go for fruits that don’t spoil fast,” shared chef Stephanie Zubiri, who tied the knot recently to become Mrs. Jonathan Crespi.

The best way to source out enzymes, from either fruits or vegetables is through a slow process of juicing. The Hurom Slow Juicer is one time-tested product for creating enzyme-filled juices through a slow process. Slow juicing doesn’t destroy the enzyme’s structure. Also, extraction must always be done in natural temperature because heat and cold kills the enzymes

“With my old juicer, I needed more fruit to produce a glass of juice. With Hurom, I get more amount of juice in lesser quantity. The pulp residue I give to my dog,” added the owner of Atelier 317 Restaurant where themenu is a mix of Vietnamese, French and Italian cuisines.

She opened a private kitchen on the second floor of the restaurant last November where she teaches lifestyle classes and cookery. 

“I love to eat and cook since I was small. Both of my grandmothers from the paternal and maternal side were good cooks. At eight, I already cooked for my mom’s friends when they come visit us,” confessed the Le Cordon Bleu intern.

From being a food blogger, chef, columnist of the z, an entrepreneur managing her successful business venture, to becoming a consultant on energy sources for the country, the future does look rosy to the newlywed. 

“For those who love juicing with their Hurom appliances, I suggest my concoction of apples, oranges and carrot. They could add ginger to help boost their immune system. One could also opt to add celery or beets and those drying out pomelo or melon before they completely go to waste,” she added.

 Hurom is a 45-year-year old company based in Busan, South Korea. Since 1967, it has only manufactured juicers for wellness and never diversified into any other product.

Hurom slow juicer is available at Rustan’s, Landmark, S&R, Abenson, Wilcon and thru Shop TV.

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