Sebastian Seno and Kristin Mah: A perfect match

Everybody’s friend, the likeable Sebastian Seno and bubbly Kristin Mah were set up by mutual friend Agel Tio because Agel thought the couple was a perfect match as they had many things in common — both energetic, fun loving and easy going.

 After many outings and lots of text messages that spanned three years, the couple found out they were really meant to be together.

 Sebastian, fondly called Basti, and Kristin set the date and chose the majestic Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Church as the venue for their wedding with Fr. Patrick Martin  as officiating priest.

On her special day, Kristin looked radiant and glowing in an elegant ivory duchess satin off-white gown with layers of chiffon by popular designer Harley Ruedas.  Basti was dashing in a hand-embroidered piña barong Tagalog. The couple chose white with a touch of yellow and blue as motif for their floral arrangements.

 The romantic union was witnessed by Secretary Eduardo Ermita and Elvira Ermita who was proxied by daughter Gigi Alvarez, Confuscius Trocio and Lou Aldeguer, Ramon Abejuela and Marie Ramolete, Gabriel Leyson and Merlie Zamora, Ishmael Limkakeng and Marilou Bernardo, Christopher Alix and Filomena Concha and Francisco Jarque and Cecilia Bernad who stood as principal sponsors.

The bridal entourage was composed of beautiful young friends of the couple. Basti’s brother Steven was best man and Kristin’s sister Angelica was maid of honor.

Groomsmen John Ngo, Paco Jarque, Raymond Garcia and Luigi Quisumbing and bridesmaids Angel Pasculado, Edith Eugelaine Tio, Mariane Sibala and Mercedes Zamora were all high school and college mates. Completing the line up was adorable Andrea Mah as flower girl and David Chona and Jabez Lim as ring and coin bearer, respectively.

After the ceremony, guests proceeded to the Casino Español de Cebu for the reception.

Upcoming florist with innovative ideas Sandra Lim transformed the grand ballroom into a heavenly paradise. Each tabletop was decorated with white Columbian roses, yellow dancing ladies, white lishantus and blue hyrandgeas  

After the sumptuous dinner which showcased the club’s specialties, the newlyweds cut the three-tiered carrot, chocolate and fruit cake made by foremost baker Marissa Unchuan.

 Endearing speeches by Basti’s father Eriberto Seno and Kristin’s dad Judge Perry Mah  shortly followed. The newlyweds likewise thanked everyone for making their day truly special and unforgettable.

To everyone’s delight, Secretary Ermita obliged the newlyweds with a few love songs, then  everyone rushed to the dance floor  when the Renaissance Band began the evening’s entertainment.

Basti and Kristin certainly had the wedding of their dreams, made more meaningful by the presence of  supportive relatives and dear friends.

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