Let the transformation begin

MANILA, Philippines - Divorces, separations and broken relationships can make a man or woman decide to lose weight. Sporting a new body size, that person changes his or her wardrobe and the transformation is complete. That fabulous hairstyle or that new makeup (for her), and a new haircut or those slim pants that hug the hips (for him) — they get many second looks. A strong determination to look really good conveys one strong message: this person is no loser. He or she is ready to move on.

People can now burn unwanted fat with a practical, realistic lifestyle approach called HASH or Holistic Approach to Self Healing, which fine-tunes the digestive system. They can learn more about what their body needs as well as discover the foods that make them put on weight and add unnecessary stress leading to chronic diseases.

Do people generally consider food as “medicine”? Maintenance (synthetic) medications can be financially stifling. Lifestyle conversion can be achieved through food substitutes. People can learn how to cook and prepare food in a new way — since a wrong combination of foods can lead to weight gain. Being healthy, looking young or being more energetic by slimming down can be just as wonderful as discovering a new way of eating. 

To learn more about these things, participate in the HASH Weight Loss Nutritional Therapy talk on Aug. 27, 2 p.m., at the Peninsula Manila.

For information, call Joyce at 843-2550 or 0917-8236738, or Dr. Reyes at 0917-8236738, 0927-9860034, or 0922-8154350.

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