Woman of Style: Jessica Kienle: Paris when it sizzles

For a Friday night out: H&M dress, Zara shoes, Murano necklace for Jessica Kienle

MANILA, Philippines - Though she’s best known for her modeling work in Manila, Jessica Kienle’s been toiling in Paris on work that’s strictly behind-the-scenes. Having made the move to the French capital in the fall of 2007 to study interior architecture at the Ecole Supérieure des Arts et des Techniques, she’s spent most of her time since immersed in the arts. Whether it’s playing her acoustic guitar, sketching scenery (her mother proudly displays her work when we shoot at their Rockwell pad), taking in the work of the latest design innovation in architectural digests or clocking in hours studying, Jessica is pretty much your regular renaissance woman: articulate, sweet-natured and design-savvy.

Paris has influenced, not only her work, but her style as well. She avoids trends — “They just recycle all the time, anyway,” she says — and focuses on items that imbibe the kind of effortless, classic eclecticism she favors. 

PHILIPPINE STAR: What’s your favorite thing about Paris?

Jessica Kienle: All those little boutiques in the Marais, one of the popular shopping areas in Paris. I loved going into those places because I knew I’d always find something special. I’d always end up with interesting finds.

What is the most rewarding — and challenging — thing about living there?

Living there has taught me how to be independent and responsible for all my actions.

What did you learn about yourself from living alone in a foreign country?

I learned that I handle situations quite well when I am alone. When faced with a problem I learned how to confront it immediately and find a solution.

What do you remember most about your time in Paris?

Making really great friends. I miss them so much! Oh, and of course, French bakery…

What do you love most about Manila?

Just being in the comforts of home … enjoying the company of childhood friends and family.

Where would you like to live in 10 years?

San Francisco or San Diego … I absolutely love the US West Coast.

When was the last time you created something?

The last thing I created was a scale model of the architect LeCorbusier’s apartment in Paris. It was a project for school. We had to go to the site itself, measure everything and recreate the apartment in miniature.

What is the most unlikely place you’ve found inspiration for your work?

At the subway station in Paris — I always found an interesting dynamic there that inspired my work.

What is your favorite piece of art?

Wow, this is a tough one … I think it would have to be Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. I think it’s the most gorgeous architecture I’ve ever seen.

What’s the best thing about having a sister?

You’re certain that she will always be there for you and love you no matter what. And sharing clothes!

The worst?

When she borrows things from your closet and doesn’t return them…

Now, on to the important stuff. What’s the one beauty product you can’t live without?

My MAC lipstick. Always have to have it with me!

What kind of jewelry would you love to inherit?

I absolutely love necklaces — pendants, in particular — especially if these have a meaning and if these belonged to my mom.

What’s your idea of a perfect pair of shoes?

They have to be super-comfortable. Comfort is number one for me when I buy shoes. I want to be able to walk around and not look like I’m in pain. When I buy heels I always walk around the shoe store for about 15 minutes before buying them, just to make sure that they are comfy enough!

Trend you love?

The futuristic avant-garde style, a la Lady Gaga. I would never wear any of it myself, but I just love its boldness.

One you hate?

Emo style. It just looks like trying too hard.

What is your favorite recent purchase?

My Gap sandals. I wear them all the time.

Whose closet would you most like to raid? 

Rachel Bilson’s. She has great everyday style.

What five pieces define your everyday style?

Cute ballerinas, Miss Sixty jeans, a flowy blouse, Ray-Bans, leather tote bag.

Your best shopping secret? 

Can’t tell! That’s why it’s a secret!

Is there an item in your closet you cherish the most?

My granny’s trinity ring.

Do you have any fundamental rules of dressing?

Keeping clean lines and not over-accessorizing.

What was your style as a kid?

As a kid, my mom used to dress my sister and I the same! It has progressed much since then!

What do you regret buying the most?

I never regret what I buy because I’m a practical shopper.

Most unforgettable present you’ve received?

My acoustic guitar that my parents bought for me when I was 14.

Most outrageous purchase?

My most outrageous purchase has been for travel as I have been in a trans-Atlantic relationship for the last two years.

Best sartorial advice from your parents?

Less is more.

What would you never be caught dead in?

High-heeled rubber shoes.

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